Splinterlands - Beginner's Guide - Favorites & Next Steps!



Are you new to Splinterlands and searching for some advice, then you found the correct series! In this Beginner’s Guide Series, we are discussing things that new players of Splinterlands should know or try to learn. In this specific episode we will talk about my new favorite cards and how the game experience in general is going. Since the last update, I am getting to know more strategies and is genuine fun to play this game. It does feel good to be playing a game during the crypto market that still pays you to play it. With that being said, if this article motivated you to start playing this amazing game, then feel free to join the fun over the following link:


How It’s Going

Let’s talk first about how it is going. Well, I finally made it to the Diamond Leagues! With 125k Collection Power I would no be eligible to play in this league. Although I could do this, I am kind of hesitating to take this step. Not only are my cards not even proper Gold level yet and I am afraid to get demolished helplessly, I also think that the rewards in the diamond league are not as good as the league might seem.

Furthermore, I am still learning the new strategies with all the new Abilities and Rulesets that are constantly challenging you to get away from the known Meta to new ways of playing the game. There is much more variety in the battles and I do think that in the 50 battles that we have initially available to us it is very hard to get the exact same match up.

New Favorites

One of the curve-balls that this game has given me is the Death Splinter. I would never had thought that I would love to use the Death Splinter on a regular basis, but with the summoner that I keep getting as my reward I am finding the good sides of this amazing Element. Not only that but I am also starting to get new favorite cards that I really try to accommodate into every team that I am running! My basic understanding is still the same. I am still preferring magic attackers and this will not change for a while I think. But there are definitely some exceptions to this rule which I want to discuss with you.

The new summoner Ability let us use Gladiator cards now, which also means that we can finally use Captain Katie and Quora Towershead! Both of them are amazing Magic Attackers with the Bloodlust Ability! This means that once it is killing an opponent, it will gain stats! On top of that Captain Katie has the Sniper Ability which is allowing her to attack the backline! Not only is this beneficial to killing monsters but is also benefiting us by destroying the opponent’s strategy!

With Quora we just have a beast of a card with self-healing and 11 health, this card is just a menace. But additionally, she also has two attacking types and magic and melee. This increases the chance of killing monsters and also leaves different attacking opportunities open!

Another card with the Bloodlust Ability is Usut! The legendary Death card which looks very suspiciously like a dragon is becoming one of my favorites! Especially in the Reverse Speed and Earthquake Rulesets, this card is a must have! With 4 armor and 9 health it is not even the wort in taking some hits. Like I said previously. The Death Splinter is starting to grow on me!

Last but not least we are having the only non-magical card in this selection. Kulu Mastermind is a very interesting card. Not only does it have the Opportunity Ability with 4 Melee attack, 4 speed and 9 health but it also has the Weapons training Ability. Especially in ruleset where melee monsters will be able to attack from any kind of position, this Ability is absolutely worth it!

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Next Steps

As for my next steps, I am currently torn between different strategies going forward. I am thinking about renting everything that is not necessary out in order to get some DEC for improving my current cards. This way I would stay in the Gold Leagues but also would improve the quality of my deck. The main goal would be then to level up the majority of my most used cards with the target of reaching Diamond at one point. With this strategy the main big target would then be to work towards the top 100 of the Gold League. And I know how this is sounding: How should a noobie like me be able to reach the top 100 of the Gold League? Well, I will try to learn more about the strategies, the game and the new cards. I really hope that this target is not too far away and that in the near future I can call myselg a top 100 contestant in the Gold League.

Previous Beginner’s Guides:

Advantages Of A Guild!

New Reward Summoners Break Down!

Fire Reward Cards

Water Reward Cards

Life Reward Cards

Death Reward Cards

Published by ga38jem on
On 17th April 2023
