Splinterlands - Card Showcase - Kulu Mastermind!



Are you new to Splinterlands and searching for some advice, then you found the correct series! In this Beginner’s Guide Series, we are discussing things that new players of Splinterlands should know or try to learn. In this specific episode I wanted to talk about a different way of battling. While I was always fixated on the magic attackers in latest times, I am currently trying out different other strategies. During one battle one specific card came to my attention that I want to have a grasp on. It is the Mastermind himself: Kulu! We will discuss this card a little bit deeper as well as talk about potential strategies to use him in. Last but not least we will take a look at an example battle! With that being said, if this article motivated you to start playing this amazing game, then feel free to join the fun over the following link:


Kulu Mastermind!

Let’s talk about the Mastermind first! When I first got this card, I was thrilled to try and play with it. After a while I kind of neglected it since I was focused on my Earth playing style, but now that I want to change my style a bit, this card is definitely getting back on the menu! Why is this card so great? Well, it brings 4 attack, 4 speed and 9 health to the table. On top of that it has the Opportunity Ability which makes him basically attack from any position on the field and get rid of the small little support cards that your enemy is trying to protect with their juicy tanks. Not only that but this card is also giving off some of his attack to the units next to him if they do not have any attacking value. This way we can improve our attacking force by even giving support cards some kind of punching power, isn’t this great?


With higher levels this card even gets the shield Ability which makes him very resilient against other Melee and ranged attackers. This card in general is a great package and can be combined with several other cards in the water deck! Frist and foremost, it is always good to use this card with Kelya. Not only is she giving Kulu more speed but she also grants an additional armor point which can go a long way in today’s playing style. If your opponent utilizes mostly ranged and melee attackers, this extra armor can almost function as a divine shield!

Furthermore, there are certain cards that are especially well suited with the Mastermind. Those are the ones without attacking value such as Noa the Just or the Merdaali Guardian. Because these cards are great support cards, the combination with weapons training is making these cards very strong. This boost is getting even stronger when there are rulesets such as Opportunity or Sneak activated that allows all Melee cards to attack from anywhere they want! Both cards are already very strong on their own because they either reduce the armor of opponents or have the Healing ability implemented. Either way, Kulu is making both of them a whole lot stronger!

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In addition to those cards, the Water Splinter is also offering more weapons to the table. Deeplurker is the best example of such a beast card that works very well with Kulu. Why? Well they will almost always target the same unit and with a total of 7 damage almost always will get rid of it in one turn! I think that this combination is probably one of the most broken in the game at this point and I will gladly utilize it even more in the future!


Example Battles

With a few combinations out of the way, let’s take a look at some example battles that showcase what I was trying to get across here. In both battles we will be up against very well built Water teams that are following a very similar strategy as we did. The only big difference is that they did not have Kulu and therefore did not have the advantages of what I was talking about before. While in the first battle our Kulu went down but did his job in defeating his support card first, the second battle highlights very nicely how Armor can be deleted by Noa and taken advantage off by the two Opportunity cards!





Previous Beginner’s Guides:

Splinter Tier List!

Repair Ability!

Best Value Cards

Best Low Mana Cards!

Tatiana Blayde!

Published by ga38jem on
On 18th July 2023
