Splinterlands - Cheap Collection Power Opportunity!



The recent weeks were very interesting to watch. The whole crypto market started to fall down bit by bit and the release of the Chaos Legion Packs started. Both of these factors had influence on the Splinterlands card market. In this article I will talk about the effects and what my strategy moving forward is.

Declining Card Prices

Lets start with the first factor: The crypto market in general. The past weeks were very red and right now it seems like we could see a recovery. All started around end of November when we saw the first flash crash in recent times. Especially Bitcoin dropped by a good amount. Obviously, this lead to the crash of several other projects in this space. One of those is our belove P2E game Splinterlands. Due to this crypto crash the price for SPS and DEC dropped by a heavy amount and the players seeing their in game value dropping. Like every projects these probably lead to the selling of some assets within the game which put sell pressure on a lot of cards which then dragged the price of cards even more down. This has several reason. For me the most obvious one would be that a lot of people tried to sell some of their crypto where they made losses so they could deduct this from their taxes.


The second factor is the Chaos Legion pack release. With this release the market got flushed with an insane amount of new cards. Because they were so many there was a big sell pressure from the beginning and people started to go down in price so that they could sell their cards which they just pulled. Like with every asset supply and demand is very important. And when the supply is very high the price must go down to meet the markets needs. That is the second big reason why the card prices in general went down. With the release of the general sale on January 17th 16 million more packs will be release. Additionally, those packs will not need any Vouchers to purchase which make all Splinterlands-players eligible to purchase those. This will mean that even more cards will flood the market causing the cards to even go down more.

How To Behave Now?

First of all, it is very disappointing to see the own collection dropping in price. This obviously is not that fun to watch or have the feeling of fear. But there is a bright side to this. It seems like Christmas is coming early for all the Splinterlands players! This is a great chance to get your Collection Power up. This way you can invest now so when the market recovers and the Chaos Legion Packs are out of sale you can make either profit or enjoy your collection price rise with every day. This has also benefits of earning more DEC per battle and even more DEC if you choose to rent out your cards. Furthermore, you can get more SPS trough the airdrop which is also beneficial.
In recent weeks I have been watching the Epic and Legendary Reward Cards in particular. Because the give 100CP and 500CP they are very interesting to purchase. And currently they are at the lowest price that I have ever seen them since I joined in the beginning of October 2021. As you can see in the pictures below, even the new released cards are slowly merging to the price of the rewards cards which is very exciting to be honest. You can get 100 CP for as low as 1.34$ and 500CP for about 7.50$. I remember when I started of these prices were significantly higher. The Epics were around the 4$ mark and the Legendaries were not lower than 20$. A Djinn Oshamus was worth around 35$ 3 weeks ago.


Yes I probably joined during the most hyped time and now I am experiencing my first drop in this game which makes me both excited and worried at the same time. But in my opinion this is a great time to get your CP up and I have been waiting for this opportunity since I started to play. Furthermore, I think the middle of January will be an excellent time to purchase the cards that you think will bring you the best advantages in the game proceeding forward because I am certain that the prices will get another drop. But after the General Sale is over and the crypto market will recover I think that the prices will recover and we will see another exciting time in this game. I really think that this game is something special, especially with the community that is already here and I am hoping for more exciting releases to come!

If you haven’t joined this game yet, feel free to join it with my affiliate link:

Published by ga38jem on
On 21st December 2021

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I really enjoy reading other people's thoughts and opinions on the markets, I agree that Epic and Legendary reward cards are worth keeping an eye on too!


You are right the prices will be up soon. Meanwhile, I did load up more summoners. Once we enter January 2022 anything can happen.
