Splinterlands - EOS Rewards & State Of The Game



For this week’s Social Media Challenge I wanted to talk about my last Season. I will break it down into several sections which contain how my season went and how my progress is going, what my rewards were and what my next steps will be. Furthermore, I want to talk about the development of the Splinterlands game itself and one of its assets: SPS. I hope to reach especially new players with this article so that they can see how a potential strategy for Splinterlands can look like. What has to be kept in mind is that Splinterlands is a game and should be treated as one, so do not play this game because your aim is to get rich quickly. With that out of the way, let’s get started!

Progress & EOS Rewards

To start things of, lets talk about my past season. Like every season, it takes a little bit to get into your form. It always takes me about 2 out of the 15 days of a season to reach my sweet spot where I am comfortably winning but still getting interesting match ups. Once I reach this threshold, the next days are the most fun as I am getting around 5-8 DEC per win. Since I am in Silver 3 territory I am also earning 2 Quest Reward Chest which is a very nice step forward from the previous one Reward Chest that I was earning in Bronze. With the season coming to an end the DEC rewards are getting less since more and more people are starting to play the game again. This is also the time where the rental cards are becoming more and more expensive. This is the reason why I am trying to avoid renting cards too much. In y opinion this is a good way to play “on leverage” and getting the best in terms of reward chests. I personally like to save up my DEC and buy myself cards for that earned DEC. This way I am progressing slower but steadily. Currently I am around 35k Collection Power. This means that I only need around 5k CP to reach Silver 2 territory.

As for my rewards this season. I could be luckier with my rewards but all in all I am very happy with them. This time I was able to get an epic and a rare card which is a very nice boost towards the 40k CP that I am aiming at. Furthermore, I was able to get 7 cards in total which is higher than the average 50% card distribution. Nevertheless, seeing all of the amating rewards that other players are getting makes one feel jealous. But this is always the time to remind yourself that everything comes with time and that you are playing this game because it is a fun experience and only partly for the rewards! :D


Next Steps & Goals

Next up I want to talk about my next steps and my goals. I think it is always important to have set goals and a strategy how to reach them. This is not only true for games but also for the rest of people’s lives but we are here to talk mainly about Splinterlands. Like I mentioned before, one of my short term goals is to reach the Silver 2 division. One way to do that is to spend my earned DEC on some cards that would help me to boost my CP. The other way is to spend my DEC to rent some cards at the end of the season so I could reach higher rewards as my Rating points are always something around Gold 2 territory. The problem with this is that I want to keep my DEC as long as possible so that I can earn more SPS from the airdrop. For those who don’t know, the more DEC you are holding the more SPS you are getting airdropped.

Another important use for the DEC will be the upcoming legendary summoner airdrops. I am hoping to be able to purchase one of the upcoming legendary summoners. My aim elements are the Water or Death Splinter because I did not develop my summoners there yet. With that being said, it all depends how good these summoners will be and what abilities they bring to the table.

A more long term goal that I have in mind is to reach the 5k SPS. Currently I am around 1.4k so I have a pretty long way to go on this front. This being said, I am currently looking for a good buying opportunity to spend some of my Hive Rewards to purchase some SPS. This way I am hoping to increase my Stake rewards and also my future buying power in Splinterlands. As we all know, SPS is supposed to be the future of this game but I will talk about this in the next section.

State Of The Game

This brings me to the current state of the game. Last week was very exciting for a lot of investors. The announced Waka partnership was activated by selling the new Death summoner. In total its cost was 5000 SPS and 500 Vouchers which is a very juicy price. On the other side the summoner was already level 4 and has the poison ability which makes him a very hard enemy. It was also promised that more partnerships are about to come which is very exciting for the state of the game as well as for the price action of SPS. Like we all know, the SPS airdrop will be over in about 150 days. This means that the SPS supply will sink drastically. Furthermore, the SPS utility will go up as SPS will be needed to purchase more of the amazing partnership cards to come as well as other things. Another use for SPS has something to do with the Land Plots that are currently still in development. All of these events will trigger that SPS will probably go trough the roof. This means that everybody that is currently holding on to this asset should continue doing so as this is without a doubt the future of this game.


If you want to join this amazing game, you can join it by using the following link down below:

Published by ga38jem on
On 1st March 2022

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
