Two high performing opportunists! | Curious Battles 70#

What's going on? I'm back with another curious battle, for this occasion, a Brawl type in which legends like Chaos Dragon and Poseidon faced each other in a fight worth sharing.

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From Splinterlands and edited with CANVA

In the first position are two Djinn Oshannus, known for their great speed, decent magic power and their "Void" ability, they can be formidable tanks. Complete headaches for teams that decide to opt for magic strategies. There have been many times that I have been defeated by strategies that include him, often combined with Kelya, which by giving him armor gave him another barrier to go through, which should not be underestimated.

My summoner's support helped to reduce his magic damage, but his defensive rear was something that brought some problems, as Swamp Sppiter repaired his armor on several occasions. The fact that Delwyn was present left the power of both Oshannus at the same point and if we add to this the Enrage that was present, we noticed a confrontation in which the times that attacks were dodged were not few. The confrontation was long, the enemy dodged Axemaster (although not always), also Deeplurker but could not with the attack that gave him the coup de grace by my Djinn Oshannus.


For second place Flying Squid managed to deliver a withering blow to Oshannus' armor, but was soon repaired by the swamp turtle. This squid was damaged by Chaos Dragon, because of its ability to attack randomly.

It missed several attacks against Void Dragon, which had occupied the second position of the enemy formation and was first when its main tank fell. However, it was Poseidon who delivered the coup de grâce that would bring him down.



For third place, I chose the gladiator Isgald Vorts, who has been of great help to me in many battles and who makes an exemplary pair of attackers alongside Deeplurker.

The battle enrage played a trick on him as he missed several attacks, but he managed to fulminate Venari WaveSmith, reducing the armor of the opponents.

This Venari withstood the punishment quite well, thanks to its armor and the support of the Swamp Spitter.



Chaos Dragon covered the fourth position. This legend of the Chaos Legion edition, was able to do a lot of damage to my team, finishing with Djinn Oshannus, with Flying Squid and almost fulminating Vorts as well, but the enrage strengthened him and made him defeat him before his magic knocked him out.

In that position I placed Deeplurker, who finished off Swamp Spitter and managed to prevent Vorts from falling by one of his hits or continuing to recover the Chaos Dragon's armor.



My rearguard was covered by two formidable archers, Poseidon who had an excellent performance and Axemaster who despite falling by Chaos Dragon, managed to do damage with his double strike.

The enemy's defensive rearguard was a headache, but not so much because of the nymph, which soon fell at the hands of my DeepLurker, but rather because of the swamp turtle, that archer who repaired the opponent's armor on more than a few occasions.



The complete alineation was:


If you want to see the replay click here.

Extra Curious facts:

Not only Chaos Dragon stood out, but Void Dragon was also present, so if I had chosen a strategy with more magic, it is very likely that I would have been the one defeated. Apart from that, the enrage played a vital role, because the victory was not by great advantage, if I had been less lucky with Chaos Dragon's attacks, I would have fallen before Vorts and DeepLurker, leaving me much more vulnerable.

The fact that there was a focus on the nymph from the beginning, by the opportunists, was also part of the key to secure the victory for the team.


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Hey @gabrielrr17, I think you accidently added wrong post link into your social media challenge participation comment. Edit it asap
