RE: SPS and DEC Integrated into LeoDex Yet? I Guess Not Yet.


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It looks like LeoDex is making good progress if half of the things are there.

I think LEO was there from the start. HIVE soon after. Based on the HIVE rails, SPS, DEC, and HBD should be easy to add, but either there were some issues they needed to nail down before adding them, or they wanted to wait to be sure there weren't any. In either case, it's a good decision, in my opinion.

It won't be long before you max out the rare cards.

Not really. It will take time because there is only a 16.66% chance that any rare draw is one of the cards I still need. And I need 46 more BCX over the 2 cards. And once one of the two cards is maxed out, the chances of hitting the other one drop to 8.33%.

I already focus on epic and legendaries (even more than on rares). But I prefer to take batch 1 draws because of the lower price. And I still have 10 of the epics in batch 1. At some point, I will probably go for batch 2 as well, for epics and legendaries, but not just yet, because there might still be time to max out the set without investing more.
