Started to "Fill" My Land Plots


Land... that's sucking a lot of my energy, even during this preparation stage. Or maybe especially during this time.

I avoided any deep analysis of my land last week, waiting for some clarification on the situation with Canyon and Tundra terrain types, particularly their production bonuses and penalties.

That clarification came after I asked in Discord:


The answer is longer and didn't fit in a screenshot. This is a link to the answer if you are interested in reading it.

The decision, at least until Land 2.0, according to Byzantinist's answer, is that the terrain preferences should remain unchanged.

While I preferred a different outcome initially, I believe this is ok too, at least for my situation. I already have the plan to populate my land plots in stages because I won't have enough high PP cards (or DEC) early enough. If tighter restrictions would come in the form of preferred splinters to stake on my plots, that will make it harder to fill the spots.

The downside is, of course, on the high-value plots where I expect to stake the best cards. Having only a 5% bonus at the base PP per slot instead of 10% can be quite detrimental to the total PP.

Anyway, after things became clear, I started to work on my spreadsheet to see what cards I'd stake where, and on what are my strong and weak points so I can work to improve my situation in the remaining time.

While analyzing things, some thoughts came to my mind.

My initial plan was to set up a separate account from where I would play the Land expansion game. Much like I have separate accounts for renting out cards.

This prevents some management issues we would have when all cards are on one account.

That isn't relevant if all cards are staked on land because they can't be used anywhere else then. But if you unstake cards to move them to other plots, then they move among the rest of your playing deck and it becomes messy.

But then I realized that making a separate account for land can create even bigger problems: you won't be able to use soulbound cards on land if they become a better alternative than other cards you hold.

So, it looks like I'll play the land game from the same account as I play ranked.

As I said, I started matching my cards slated for land with the plots I intend to populate in the first stage.

I filled 12 plots already in the optimal way possible at this time, and have high PP cards (minimum 1000 PP) slated for land for at least 11 more plots which I'll associate with more plots soon. Obviously, it's still a long way to 100 plots filled. But also many months until I expect I will do that.

The interesting part is that Matt intends to create a proposal to put a base PP cap per plot at 100k. I know his target is a few accounts with a stash of alpha GFLs and Runi, and it makes sense to reduce the huge discrepancy this would create without a cap, in my opinion. The base PP of all the 12 plots I "filled" so far is about 125k PP at this time, compared to potentially millions of PP per plot Matt was talking about. :)

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I still don't understand the big deal with Tundras and Canyons. The difference is a cumulative 5%. This is offset by having more cards available to get the bonus. It's not 10% per card. Or 5% in this case. It's basically each card that matches adds 2% of the 10% where on the Tundras/Canyons it only adds 1%. You still need all five cards to match in order to get to the 10% boost.

For the vast majority of people, the difference is going to be minimal. 5% on a 10k PP plot is 500 PP, for example. There will be plenty of plots out there that don't even reach that base production number and 10k is equal to 5 maxed GF Rares. To me it seems much ado about nothing. Especially when you again consider that you'll have more cards to choose from to get the bonus on those plots.

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Yeah, I initially thought that 5% would have a more significant impact. I did mention that the extra possibility to choose a different card will be beneficial, including in my case (and I noticed it while matching cards to plots). So, I'm ok with my Canyons, I never really had an issue with them, because I believe there will be other ways they'll prove quite useful.


I need to strategize that as well and see how I put my most precious cards on the land. I also have a Keep which will provide a good bonus on it.

Do you know if the 100k cap per plot includes also the bonuses or those apply on top of the cap?

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If the proposal will pass, it will be a cap on the base PP. So any bonuses on top of that can exceed 100k. I believe they can go as high as 550k PP per plot, theoretically.


Good luck with your land @gadrian! It sounds like a difficult game. Have a great rest of the week.
Barb 😊

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Same thought. I haven't checked it. This land thing makes the game complicated for me.

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It shouldn't, if you don't own land. It's a different game altogether. It will be tied with the ranked game through its final products, Items and Spells, but that's, maybe, a 2024 thing, and you can still buy or rent them, or use the ghost ones provided to everybody at no cost (at least that seems to be the plan right now).


Though I have no intention to own land, figuring out these new mechanics made me wonder where this game is heading to.


Well, it's a resource optimization game. Lots of math comes with it. But there will be tools to help with that, no doubt.


What’s the yield on lands? Is it worth it?


Right now, it's ~1.74 SPS airdropped per surveyed plot daily (approximately 50 SPS per month; used to be ~40 SPS per month per plot, before surveying and the proposal to change the way rewards are distributed). When Land 1.5 is here, one will have to put cards to work on certain plots to mine SPS. The reward pool will be the same, but the distribution will go toward those who mine SPS.

Also in Land 1.5, we can produce grain, which we can sell on the market or put in the LP for rewards (besides using it in-game as food, tax, etc.).

It is possible the delegation market will arrive with Land 1.5, or if not, before Land 2.0, most likely.

We will also be able to find totem fragments while working the land. I don't know if there will be a market for fragments, but combined fragments into full fragments will be very valuable.

We also can pursue the path to find the Secret of Praetoria. Rewards for discovering it (as a territory) are undisclosed, but apparently worth it.

Many more earning options come with Land 2.0 and then, even more, when Items and Spells are added.

This is a long-term thing. And the benefits grow with time and involvement.


Sounds like a different staking “game”


It is, in a way. Pretty much all blockchain games are defi games.


It sounds like a pain trying to figure out how to plan out everything for the highest reward. Do you plan on using the soulbound rewards? I think it will be a while before people can max out those cards.

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It will be a while to max them out, but a GF soulbound might have a good enough PP even if not maxed out. I will probably use some on land.
