BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! - Even Stevens Ruleset


Hi Guys! In this post we are exploring on another Splinterlands ruleset. The ruleset we are focusing on is Even Stevens.

Even Stevens
In an Even Stevens ruleset, only units with even mana costs may be used. This rule however does not apply to summoners.


Lets take a look at a Modern Silver ranked match with Even Stevens as one of the ruleset. The battle restrictions are:
Even Stevens and Rise of the Commons with a max mana of 49. Only Fire, Water and Dragon splinters are allowed in this battle. The Video for the Full Battle can be seen here:



SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Possibilus the Wise6SummonerI chose Possibilus as the summoner because I can use it to better utilize the few available high mana units I can use in these rulesets. With 49 mana available and being only able to use only Even Common/Rare mana units, there weren't many units I can use to fully make use of 49 mana. With Possiblilus, I can a high mana melee unit at the 2nd position and give it Reach ability so that it can straight away contribute to the offensive power of my lineup.
Arkemis the Bear121stArkemis was my highest mana unit here. It is an average tank unit with its high health. One good thing about Arkemis is its Halving ability. With Halving, Arkemis can reduce any opposing unit attack by half when it hit it.
Coastal Sentry102ndCoastal Sentry was my main offensive unit here. With Double Strike and a high basic melee attack, it can dueled plenty of damage to the opposing tank. Its weakness was defense but this was mitigated by putting it at the 2nd position while giving it Reach ability by Possibilus. Getting Trample from Possibilus also made this unit scary as it can quickly steamroll opposing unit with its big melee attack.
Deeplurker63rdAnother important unit in the lineup was Deeplurker. With its Opportunity ability and high melee attack, it can killed off low health enemy unit in one shot. If this unit happened to be in the middle of the opponent lineup, Deeplurker could caused even more damage as it was given Trample ability by Possibilus.
River Nymph44thRiver Nymph was not part of my plan for the lineup but was placed in because I don't really have anymore available good Even mana units that are Common or Rare. Still having some magic attack unit in the lineup was good in case I faced enemy units with high armor or Shield.
Merdhampir45thMerdhampir was placed in to Life Leech and Cripple on opposing unit. I wouldn't be surprised to see high armor or Shield units so Merdhampir can helped to soften those units up.
Supply Runner46thSupply Runner, with its Swiftness ability, would gave me some extra speed to my lineup. If the opponent used Kelya Frendel, the extra speed would help me a lot.
Total Mana:46

Opponent Lineup:

My opponent went with a Fire splinter lineup with Eternan Burne as the summoner. I was quite surpised to see that summoner as I don't encounter that summoner often. I was expecting to see Kelya Frendul instead. Eternan Burne allowed my opponent to deploy a Gladiator unit though and Chimney Wallstop was the Gladiator unit that I had to face. Chimney Wallstop has a massive melee attack and if allow to grow would become a terrifying beast.


End of Round 1:


The opponent's tank was Septic Slime which wasn't a good tank to use in these rulesets. It was also very slow and after some quick attacks from my backline units, it was easily dispatched off by my Arkemis the Bear. Now the most damaging thing about this was after my Arkemis killed off the Septic Slime, it gain another attack because of the Trample ability from Possibilus and that allowed it to carry on to attack my opponent's Chimney Wallstop. Arkemis' Halving attack straight away reduced my opponent's Chimney Wallstop attack by half to just 3 instead of the initial scary 6.

End of Round 2:


The enemy's Chimney Wallstop was then dispatched off quickly in round 2. There wasn't much of an issue in killing it as Chimney Wallstop as my offensive power was too strong for my slower opponent to respond. With Chimney Wallstop dead, there was nothing much that my opponent can do to hurt my team now.

End of Round 3:


By the end of turn 3, my opponent was only left with 2 dying units while I still hadn't lost a single unit yet. This match showed how powerful a faster lineup can do against a slower lineup.

End of Round 4:


The match was over in round 4. This was a fast match considering it was a 49 mana match, even though both of us only used up 46 mana. The match was a clear indication how a good offense was the best defense. My tank stayed alive throughout the entire match simply caused I wasn't giving the opponent much chance to attack by killing them off fast.

My strategy was to use my Possibilus the Wise to give Trample and Reach to my Coastal Sentry for it to stream roll enemy units. The strategy worked like a charm as the opponent didn't have enough defense and was too slow to handle my attacks.

There aren't many specific strategies you can employed with the Even Stevens ruleset. It boils down to you making use of your available cards to cater for the current rulesets (other ruleset that accompany Even Stevens if any).


To any new players who wish to explore the world of Splinterlands, do feel free to sign up with my REFERRAL LINK 😊.

My guild, The Guild of Kingshaven, is also actively looking for new members. The guild is currently battling in tier 3 and is able to get very decent SPS and Merits from brawl competition. If you are able to fight at least in Silver and above league and is committed to do your brawl battles, do feel free to apply.
Our guild link is


Possibilus the Wise in combination with Coastal Sentry is very popular and hard to counter.


Nice share.


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Happy Weekend,
How was your season end rewards discovery?
The bull run on the market has distracted me from the battle ranking section.
Water elemental warrior on the battlefield did an amazing fight.
Cool Summoner on the side of the water team.



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