The Long (Season) Journey Starts With the First Step


It is the start of the season and I am sure just like me you got cut back down a few leagues and instead of getting promoted you even get relegated to the next lower league.

This happens because some really strong players that would normally be 3 or 4 leagues above you are playing with you. I play in Silver III for a good portion of any season but it is not uncommon for me to sink down to Novice on the first or second day of a new season.

I have not played that much but played enough to know that the first 3 or 4 days after a season begins I will shed Rating points so I do not get frustrated anymore when I string those losses. My first step in the long season ahead is to accept those 1 credit daily chest rewards and try again the next day.

It does not mean this cannot be fixed. My suggestion is at the start of the season, reduce Rating points to the the minimum Rating of the league you ended the last season with instead of relegating a couple of leagues down. This ensures higher level players stay where they are supposed to stay and give most players a chance to grind it out with players on the same level as them.

Anyway, stay patient. Know that better days are literally just a few days away!
