NAGA FIRE WIZARD - Splinterlands Art Contest Week 281

Hello community, this week has been chaos when it comes to internet services here in my city and just last night it was restored and I can maybe finally return to my usual rhythm, between the flu, my back pain and Now the power outages and internet failures have made my publishing routine chaotic but I hope that everything returns to normal, this week I come to show you something new that I tried to do, I had mentioned previously that my plan was to buy some color markers to change my drawing style a little, but since I couldn't find the markers I wanted, I decided to buy some normal colored pencils that we all used when we went to school and I did what I could with this character, for this week I used as a reference NAGA FIRE WIZARD and what caught my attention about the design of this character is that she has a skirt even though she is a snake except for her arms, which I found funny and reminded me of when Donald Duck comes out of the shower with a towel tie at the waist despite always being without pants. Haha! I hope you like this design and the new thing I'm trying to do with the colors and congratulations to the winners.

Hola comunidad, esta semana ha sido un caos en lo que se refiere a los servicios de internet aqui en mi ciudad y apenas ayer en la noche se reestablecio y puedo quiza porfin volver a mi ritmo habitual, entre la gripe, mi dolor de espalda y ahora loscortes de luz y los fallos de internet han hecho que mi rutina para publicar sea caotica pero espero que ya todo vuelva a la normalidad, esta semana vengo a mostrarles algo nuevo que intente hacer, habia mencionado anteriormente que mi plan era comprar unos marcadores de colores para cambiar un poco mi estilo de dibujo, pero como no encontre los marcadores que queria, decidi comprar unos lapices de colores normales que usamos toos cuando ibamos a la escuela e hice lo que pude con este personaje, para esta semana utilice de referencia a NAGA FIRE WIZARD y lo que me llamo la atencion del diseño de este personaje es que tiene una falda apesar de que es una serpiente salvo por sus brazos lo que me parecio comico y me recordo a cuando el pato donald sale de la ducha con una toalla amarrala en la cintura a pesar de siempre estar sin pantalones. haha. espero les guste este diseño y lo nuevo que estoy intentando hacer con los colores y felicidades a los ganadores. 








Naga Fire Wizard (1).png


beautiful drawing excellent your participation


Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!
