Battle analysis: Angry Dodge Beasts EN-US/PT-BR


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Playing Splinterlands we end up being surprised with some battles that seem lost at first sight, but which end up becoming victories in our history. This also occurs in some defeats. As commented on Greengineer (2022-a), we can't just focus on putting maximum damage, buffs or debuffs on the battlefield, but it's also necessary to think about the other stats of each monster. Movement speed normally doesn't make the priority list when assembling a team to put on the battlefield,
and this choice can mean a near defeat as happened in Greengineer (2022-a).

I recently had the opportunity to test the importance of this stat by assembling a team with high movement speed combined with the Flying skill. This choice yielded an interesting battle that will be presented below.

The strategy before the battle

The battle had 25 MP available, Life and Death Splinters were disabled, and the Healed Out and Spreading Fury rules were active. Looking at my opponent's history I noticed that he had a tendency to use teams with melee attacks. With Spreading Fury active all monsters would have their attack stats and speed increased when hit. With these two pieces of information in mind, I tried to assemble a team that would have difficulty being hit, but if this happened it would mean that my opponent would also receive damage.

To fulfill this role I had the Summoner Mylor Crowling who provides the Thorns skill to all allies. As the attacks could occur both from the front and the rear, I sought to protect these two positions with fast monsters that had at least one skill that could reduce the hit rate of my opponent's attacks. For it I selected the Regal Peryton for the second position and the Spirit of the Forest for the last. In third and penultimate positions I put Brownie and Supply Runner with Swiftness skill and for fourth position I chose Ooze with Slow. To use the remaining 02 MP points I put the Failed Summoner in the first position with Magic Reflect.

Once selected the team was to wait for Rage activation to make my monsters untargetable.

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The battle

My opponent also came with Mylor Crowling. In the first position he had the Nectar Queen as a tank. In second position the Fungus Fiend as a secondary tank. In third and fourth positions he placed the Venari Scout and the Screeching Vulture with Opportunity. In fifth position was Queen Mycelia with Protect and Amplify and in last was Uraeus with Sneak. In a quick assessment it was clear that my opponent had a much higher attack power than mine. With 02 monsters with Opportunity my third and fourth position allies were vulnerable and their death would only remove the Shield provided by Queen Mycelia.

In the first round I lost the Ooze and Brownie with my opponent's Opportunity duo attacks. My Failed Summoner was eliminated in one hit by the enraged Nectar Queen. As there were only 03 monsters left against 06 on the opposite side, all seemed lost.

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In the second round my enemies tried, but they only managed to hit Queen Mycelia's magic attack on my team. But all of them were still in the game.

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In the third round, Screeching Vulture managed to leave my Regal Peryton on the brink of death. Queen Mycelia was eliminated by the attack of my Spirit of the Forest and the Nectar Queen remained alive thanks to the dodge of my Supply Runner's attack.

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In the fourth round, Nectar Queen was eliminated, with the elimination of the Fungus Fiend following. My Regal Peryton went down with the Screeching Vulture's attack, but took him down to the grave with Thorns damage.

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In the fifth round the Venari Scout hit the Supply Runner, but was on the brink of death thanks to Thorns. The Uraeus continued to miss the attacks invested in the Spirit of the Forest.

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In the sixth round Venari Scout was downed and Uraeus missed the attack against Supply Runner.

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In the seventh round Uraeus eliminated the Supply Runner but in the eighth he died from Thorns damage.

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You can see the battle went to the last man but it was fun so I wanted to share it with you. If the Spirit of Forest was at the Gold league level, I would have the Protect buff, just like my opponent, and I could have bitten my nails less.

I hope you enjoyed the battle and if you want to follow it in detail just click on the link in Greengineer (2022-b).

PS: Sorry if there is any error in the above writing, as English is not my mother language.


@greengineer (2022-a, March 03). Battle analysis: Forgetting the basics can put you in danger EN-US/PT-BR. PEAKD.

@greengineer (2022-b, April 19). Battle Link. Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle!.



Jogando Splinterlands a gente acaba sendo surpreendido com algumas batalhas aparentemente perdidas à primeira vista, mas que acabam se tornando vitórias em nosso histórico. Isto também ocorre em algumas derrotas. Como comentado em Greengineer (2022-a), não podemos focar em apenas colocar o máximo de dano, buffs ou debuffs no campo de batalha, mas também é necessário pensar nos demais stats de cada monstro. A velocidade de movimento normalmente não entra na lista de prioridade ao montar uma equipe para colocar no campo de batalha, e esta escolhe pode significar uma quase derrota como ocorrido em Greengineer (2022-a).

Recentemente tive a oportunidade de colocar à prova a importância deste stat montando uma equipe com alta velocidade de movimento combinada à habilidade Flying. Esta escolha rendeu uma batalha interessante que será apresentada à seguir.

A estratégia antes da batalha

A batalha tinha 25 de MP disponível, os Splinters da Vida e da Morte estavam desabilitados e as regras Healed Out e Spreading Fury estavam ativas. Observando o histórico de meu oponente notei que ele tinha tendência em utilizar times com ataque melee. Com Spreading Fury ativo todos os monstros teriam seus stats de ataque e velocidade aumentados ao serem atingidos. Com estas duas informações em mente busquei montar um time que tivesse dificuldade de ser atingido mas que caso isto ocorresse significasse que meu oponente também receberia dano.

Para cumprir com este papel contei com o Summoner Mylor Crowling que fornece a habilidade Thorns para todos os aliados. Como os ataques poderiam ocorrer tanto pela linha de frente quanto pela retaguarda busquei proteger estas duas posições com monstros velozes e que possuíssem ao menos uma habilidade que pudesse reduzir a taxa de acertos dos ataques de meu oponente. Para isto selecionei o Regal Peryton para a segunda posição e a Spirit of the Forest para a última. Nas terceira e penúltima posições coloquei o Brownie e o Supply Runner com a habilidade Swiftness e para a quarta posição escolhi o Ooze com Slow. Para utilizar os 02 pontos de MP que restavam coloquei o Failed Summoner na primeira posição com Magic Reflect.

Uma vez selecionado o time era esperar que a ativação do Rage tornasse meus monstros inalvejáveis.

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A batalha

Meu oponente também veio com o Mylor Crowling. Na primeira posição ele tinha a Nectar Queen como tanque. Na segunda posição o Fungus Fiend como tanque secundário. Nas terceira e quarta posições ele colocou o Venari Scout e o Screeching Vulture com Opportunity. Na quinta posição estava a Queen Mycelia com Protect e Amplify e na última o Uraeus com Sneak. Em uma avaliação rápida era nítido que meu oponente possuía um poder de ataque muito superior ao meu. Com 02 monstros com Opportunity meus aliados das terceira e quarta posições estavam vulneráveis e sua morte só retiraria o Shield fornecido pela Queen Mycelia.

No primeiro round perdi os Ooze e Brownie com os ataques da dupla com Opportunity de meu oponente. Meu Failed Summoner foi eliminado em um só golpe pela Nectar Queen enfurecida. Como restavam apenas 03 monstros contra 06 do lado oposto, tudo parecia perdido.

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No segundo round meus inimigos bem que tentaram, mas só conseguiram acertar o ataque mágico da Queen Mycelia na minha equipe. Mas todos eles ainda continuavam no jogo.

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Já no terceiro round o Screeching Vulture conseguiu deixar meu Regal Peryton à beira da morte. A Queen Mycelia foi eliminada pelo ataque de minha Spirit of the Forest e a Nectar Queen seguiu viva graças à esquiva ao ataque de meu Supply Runner.

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No quarto round a Nectar Queen foi eliminada, com a eliminação do Fungus Fiend na sequência. Meu Regal Peryton caiu com o ataque do Screeching Vulture, mas o levou junto para a cova com o dano de Thorns.

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No quinto round o Venari Scout atingiu o Supply Runner, mas ficou à beira da morte graças ao Thorns. O Uraeus seguia errando os ataques investidos na Spirit of the Forest.

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No sexto round o Venari Scout foi abatido e o Uraeus errou o ataque contra o Supply Runner.

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No sétimo round o Uraeus eliminou o Supply Runner mas no oitavo ele morreu devido ao dano de Thorns.

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Deu pra ver que a batalha foi até o último homem, mas foi divertida, por isto quis compartilhar com vocês. Se a Spirit of Forest estivesse no nível da liga Ouro eu teria o buff Protect, assim como meu oponente, e poderia ter roído menos as unhas.

Espero que tenham gostado da batalha e se quiserem acompanhá-la em detalhes basta clicar no link em Greengineer (2022-b).


@greengineer (2022-a, 03 de Março). Battle analysis: Forgetting the basics can put you in danger EN-US/PT-BR. PEAKD.

@greengineer (2022-b, 19 de Abril). Link de Batalha. Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle!.


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Thanks for sharing! - Underlock#8573

Bom trabalho!
