Battle analysis: Slime Menace EN-US/PT-BR


Slime Menace.gif


When the Noxious Fumes or Earthquake game rules are in play, monsters with the Scavenger ability benefit from increased maximum health as allies or enemies fall onto the battlefield.

There are certain card combinations that are overwhelming like the Llama + Kron combo with these rules in play, but when the cards are at maximum level there is an increase in the number of possible strategies and there is one that almost caught me off guard with the active Earthquake rule that it was the combination of the Gelatinous Cube and the Llama.

The strategy before the battle

The battle had Reverse Speed ​​and Earthquake active, 29 MP available, and only Life Splinter was disabled. My opponent was Focused on Earth Splinter and had some Llama battles in his history.

As my Focus was Dragon Splinter I tried to neutralize Earthquake with Summoner Brighton Bloom and put Earth Splinter to help him. As there was a risk of a team with magic attack coming, I put Failed Summoner in first position with Magic Reflect and Queen Mycelia with Protect, Amplify, Triage and Rust in fourth position, both to increase the damage reflected to my enemies and to remove part of the shield that could protect them from Earthquake. In the last position I put Kron with Heal and Last Stand, in the second position I put the Khmer Princess with Tank Heal and Triage and in the penultimate position I put the Goblin Psychic with Tank Heal, Affliction and Silence. With the remaining 01 MP I put the Chaos Agent for its high HP and not having the Slow or Swiftness skills, due Reverse Speed.

Once the team was assembled, all that remained was to wait for my opponent's team:

Slime Menace Início.png

The battle

My opponent came with Scarred Llama Mage as a Summoner. As a tank he had the Fungus Fiend and the Mycelic Infantry. In third position he had Queen Mycelia with Protect, Amplify, Triage and Rust, in fourth position Doctor Blight with Affliction, Camouflage, Poison and Scavenger and in last position the Gelatinous Cube with Scavenger, Heal and Void.

His objective was to hold back my team's advance so that my allies would be shot down by Earthquake and fed into the Gelatinous Cube. Doctor Blight could rely on Queen Mycelia's Triage when needed and there was still her Protect. But he left a free slot that could be used by Furious Chicken, and that extra HP was needed as shown below.

In the first round my opponent lost his Fungus Fiend.

02 Round Slime Menace.png

In the second round the Mycelic Infantry missed their attack on the Failed Summoner.

03 Round Slime Menace.png

In the third round the enemy Queen Mycelia was eliminated by Earthquake. The Psychic Goblin eliminated the Mycelic Infantry and my Queen Mycelia eliminated the Doctor Blight. In this way the Gelatinous Slime activated the Last Stand, acquiring a total of 28 maximum HP, which would result in 09 healing per turn.

04 Round Slime Menace.png

My Failed Summoner fell with Poison damage, increasing the Gelatinous Cube's maximum health to 29. As it had the Void ability, only 02 of my monsters could inflict damage, which would be 03 per turn. Plus Earthquake's damage resulted in 05 damage per turn, but the Slime healed 09 at a time. It looked like a losing game at first glance, but with Last Stand's speed gain and the Reverse Speed ​​rule, Gelatinous Slime would heal after the attack of my Goblin Psychic, which had the Affliciton ability.

05 Round Slime Menace.png

After several rounds with Goblin Psychic putting on Affliction and Llama removing it, in Round 16 the Gelatinous Cube fell to Earthquake's damage.

06 Round Slime Menace.png

The lesson that remains from this game is that whenever possible we should put a monster with Affliction on the battlefield, this can be the difference between a victory and a defeat. If my opponent had put Furious Chicken in the free slot his Gelatinous Cube would have reached 30 max HP, increasing its healing power to 10 per turn, which could have changed the outcome of the match.

Hope you enjoyed the game, for more details you can follow it on Greengineer (2022).

PS: Sorry if there is any error in the above writing, as English is not my mother language.


@greengineer (2022, June 24). Battle Link. Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle!.



Quando as regras de jogo Noxious Fumes ou Earthquake estão em jogo, monstros com a habilidade Scavenger são beneficiados pelo incremento em sua vida máxima conforme os aliados ou inimigos caem no campo de batalha.

Há certas combinações de cartas que são avassaladoras como o combo Llama + Kron com estas regras em jogo, mas quando as cartas estão no nível máximo há um incremento no número de estratégias possíveis e há uma que quase me pegou desprevenido com a regra Earthquake ativa que foi a combinação do Gelatinous Cube com a Llama.

A estratégia antes da batalha

A batalha tinha Reverse Speed e Earthquake ativos, 29 de MP disponíveis e apenas o Splinter da Vida estava desabilitado. Meu oponente estava com o Focus no Splinter da Terra e possuía algumas batalhas com a Llama no seu histórico.

Como meu Focus era O Splinter do Dragão busquei neutralizar o Earthquake com o Summoner Brighton Bloom e coloquei o Splinter da Terra para auxiliá-lo. Como havia o risco de vir um time com ataque mágico coloquei o Failed Summoner na primeira posição com Magic Reflect e a Queen Mycelia com Protect, Amplify, Triage e Rust na quarta posição, tanto para aumentar o dano refletido para meus inimigos quanto para remover parte do shield que poderia protegê-los do Earthquake. Na última posição coloquei o Kron com Heal e Last Stand, na segunda posição coloquei a Khmer Princess com Tank Heal e Triage e na penúltima posição coloquei o Goblin Psychic com Tank Heal, Affliction e Silence. Com o 01 de MP restante coloquei o Chaos Agent pelo seu alto HP e não possuir as habilidades Slow ou Swiftness.

Uma vez montada a equipe restava esperar o time de meu oponente:

Slime Menace Início.png

A batalha

Meu oponente veio com a Scarred Llama Mage como Summoner. Como tanque ele contava com o Fungus Fiend e o Mycelic Infantry. Na terceira posição ele tinha a Queen Mycelia com Protect, Amplify, Triage e Rust, na quarta o Doctor Blight com Affliction, Camouflage, Poison e Scavenger e na última o Gelatinous Cube com Scavenger, Heal e Void.

Seu objetivo era segurar o avanço de minha equipe de forma que meus aliados fossem abatidos pelo Earthquake e alimentassem o Gelatinous Cube. O Doctor Blight podia contar com o Triage da Queen Mycelia quando necessário e ainda havia seu Protect. Mas ele deixou um slot livre que poderia ser utilizado pela Furious Chicken, e esse HP a mais fez falta conforme mostrado a seguir.

No primeiro round meu oponente perdeu seu Fungus Fiend.

02 Round Slime Menace.png

No segundo round o Mycelic Infantry errou seu ataque no Failed Summoner.

03 Round Slime Menace.png

No terceiro round a Queen Mycelia inimiga foi eliminada pelo Earthquake. O Goblin Psychic eliminou o Mycelic Infantry e minha Queen Mycelia eliminou o Doctor Blight. Desta forma o Gelatinous Slime ativou o Last Stand, adquirindo um total de 28 de HP máximo, o que resultaria em 09 de cura por turno.

04 Round Slime Menace.png

Meu Failed Summoner caiu com o dano do Poison, aumentando a vida máxima do Gelatinous Cube para 29. Como ele possuía a habilidade Void, apenas 02 de meus monstros conseguiam infringir dano, que seria 03 por turno. Mais o dano do Earthquake resultava em 05 de dano por turno, mas o Slime curava 09 por vez. Parecia uma partida perdida à primeira vista, mas com o ganho de velocidade do Last Stand e a regra Reverse Speed o Gelatinous Slime curaria após o ataque de meu Goblin Psychic, que possuía a habilidade Affliciton.

05 Round Slime Menace.png

Após vários rounds com o Goblin Psychic colocando o Affliction e a Llama removendo, no décimo sexto Round o Gelatinous Cube caiu com o dano do Earthquake.

06 Round Slime Menace.png

A lição que fica desta partida é que sempre que for possível devemos colocar um monstro com Affliction no campo de batalha, essa pode ser a diferença entre uma vitória e uma derrota. Se meu oponente tivesse colocado a Furious Chicken no slot que ficou livre seu Gelatinous Cube teria atingido 30 de HP máx, aumentando seu poder de cura para 10 por turno, o que poderia ter mudado o resultado da partida.

Espero que tenham gostado da partida, para mais detalhes você pode acompanhá-la em Greengineer (2022).


@greengineer (2022, 24 de Junho). Link de Batalha. Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle!.


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