RE: Genesis League Goals - Beta review


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I agree. The game leaves much to be desired. I mean managing 11 players would be difficult, but it is called football. 7 players that will just get old quickly and you should be able to select your own formations too. An ancient Czech football manager had like 15 different stats and some were hidden. A lot more enjoyable, albeit not good for mobile.

This looks a lot older than that even being just released.

Still trying to figure out why they call it beta when it is definitely alpha. Most of the features are not even implemented...


Why would 11 be difficult? You can fit players on the screen. Thats not hard if you work on it a bit.
And its using MLS players so its supposed emulate the MLS in some way. Or am I being wrong here?

Gameplay will be adjusted over time I assume. Right now they need to make it understandable for players, when they boot this, what theyre actually looking at. And that what theyre looking at, needs to be clearly football.


An average today's person has an attention span lower than a goldfish. Such people just can't be expected much from. 11 players... yes it is 4 more players complex than 7. So I understand why they made this decision, especially with such simplistic gameplay.

But to keep people playing, they need to either automate it and focus on management like Splinterlands, or make it more interesting. It doesn't even have sound effects. So it leaves much to be desired here!
