Idea for $SPS sink Blend Cards with $SPS - Same as Blend of Cards in Risingstargame

Hey All,



It is always good to learn from others success may it be an individual person or a project. Recently, we have seen that in the game Rising Star which is an NFT Based RPG game based on the music industry, they introduced a new mechanics in the game which allows players to Blend their cards. Players have different NFTs that they get by opening packs or by completing different missions. The idea here is to introduce some kind of a feature where Splinterlands players have the ability to blend cards by burning $SPS and in return the cards stats can be changed. Lets us now have a look at an example how the Blending of cards is being done in the Risingstar game.

Risingstar Blend NFTs for Better Stats


At present in the Risingstar game players are able to blend their cards by with the help of another cards which is named as "Fix it" and this card is being available for SALE by the Risingstar team for a certain amount of "STARPRO" tokens which is another deflationary in game token currency in the game. So what we see here after the Blend of cards went LIVE - the demand for the "STARPRO" token got an exponential rise and on the other end players got the opportunity to Blend their extra cards for a better and a rarity card with some good stats. A WIN-WIN situation for both the parties. Can we do a similar kind of thing in the game Splinterlands is the BIG question?

I am sure here on the Hive Blockchain most of the players HODL many NFTs and are looking for opportunities to get better reward for holding their Splinterlands game NFTs. I have seen instances where folks have opened a $5 card pack and they have got NFTs worth a couple of thousand of dollars and on the other end there are players who are buying these cheap NFTs at the moment for a better price tomorrow.

Blend Splinterland Cards for $SPS


So the idea here is to have the max cards blended with some amount of $SPS being burnt. As a result player will get some stats of the card improved or something similar. I know we have the feature to combine the cards to improve abilities but Blend here is different which would cater to a new card with some improved stats and the card being even more rare. It is no necessary to apply this logic to the max cards it could apply to any category but the point is to burn $SPS for Blending of the cards and make it interesting for players to choose which ability they would like to increase in their card that is being blended. We may first start with a smaller collection of cards and if the response is good the same can be replicated for other category of cards say like Summoners as well and others. We could also explore the possibility of having these Blended cards being used for a specific purpose say in LANDs only giving an extra boost to the production. Something like BLEND cards for extra boost etc etc.. There are a lot of opportunities to explore with Blending NFTs for top gains in the game and overall enhancing the game experience for the users.. Also the main point to note here is that Blending should be provided for a certain amount of time and after that similar cards would never be blended will further increase the curiosity in the players to Blend the cards. At the same time Blending of certain type of cards being available for fixed time duration ensures that the card is going to be rare and would have a limited supply as this gets minted during a fixed time frame bringing more value to players who plans to Blend the cards for better stats.

Have your say on NFTs & Blending them for Rarity & Stats

What is your overall say on NFTs? Do you HODL expensive NFTs? Anytime did you receive offer for your entire NFT collection? What are your thoughts on Blending of NFTs overall to improve stats? Let me know your views on the comment box below.. cheers

Idea for $SPS sink Blend Cards with $SPS - Same as Blend of Cards in Risingstargame

#nft #risingstar #spliterlands #nfts #collection #plans #rpg #blend

Image Credits:: risingstar, splinterlands

Best Regards


Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Interesting idea!

I think that blending SPS into a card to give it improved stats makes the game more pay to win which I disagree with.

However! I do like the concept. Maybe if blending/burning SPS would unlock alternative art?

