Going to start blogging


What is this about?

Apparently with a hive wallet there comes a blog on peakd where one can post and write about anything. Eyh, it is a blog.
I never had a blog, always wanted to start one about different things (so if this goes well there is more to come) but all those wordpress free blogs come with different strings attached and I always found some aspect I did not like.
I spent a few weeks, maybe even months poking around on peakd because of Splinterlands and so far I like it so I finally began writing my first post.
I want to try out different things, especially some beginner markup stuff, hence this prelude so I can divide this first post into some sections with headings. I will place a few links and maybe I can squeeze in a picture or two.

How it all began


I have been using the Brave browser for quite some time now and I think it was an add in the brave program that promoted the play2earn game Splinterlands. I created an account, went through the tutorial and played a few games. For 10$ you get the spellbook for the opportunity to earn and own cards and crypto currency.

The Hive

Uh, what is that? There is an airdrop for Splintershards going, Credits and Dark Energy Crystals are ingame currencies and the cards themselves are organized in a blockchain called hive. On top of that I find out that I got a hive wallet now. Ok, but how do I use it and what can I do with it? Lucky me, there are some tutorials and google helps with research sometimes. I find the Hive-Keychain extension for Brave and things get much easier, especially with the usage of all those other sites like peakmonsters, etc.


There is information there

It seems all the important information I need to know to stay up to date is posted on peakd by the Splinterlands team. In retrospect it makes sense, Splinterlands being based on the hive blockchain. But all this information has to sink in with a newbie to the game. Having previous experience with crypto currencies and some IT knowledge helps but I suppose people without that background might have a hard time grasping what is going on.

You already have an account

Turns out, peakd is also based on the hive blockchain so I already have an account. How many new players in Splinterlands are aware of that? I do not know but I would guess there is a large number that has no clue of what is going on in the background.
So with this account I can immediately post comments and likes and upvotes(?). Ok, nice to know. But what is this payout and upvote and wait a minute, there was something in the game called splintertalk tokens. It starts to come together somehow.

Earnings I did not even know about

I went searching for liquidity pools and exploring other sites like tribaldex more deeply for a way to increase my airdrop points when all of a sudden a look into my hive wallet created a scroll down bar due to the different number of tokens I had. It was one of the biggest WTF moments of the last few months and I wanted to find out what was going on. Turns out that I posted on one of @z3ll's tourney sites to get into the loyalty program and he responded and liked my comment. So the payout scheme was triggered and voila, even though only iotas of value but the tokens were there.

Get paid for writing and sharing and liking

It is ingenious. A blogging technology to share information and generate income for the author all organized into communities with their special interests. No more need for advertisement agencies and networks which in my opinion generate more problems than benefits for the authors. It got all I was always looking for when I was noodling around with different blogging possibilities and I wonder why all my research with google for a blogging opportunity never brought me here but that is a research topic for another day.

What is next

I will keep on blogging, but as a disclaimer: some posts might be in English, some might be in German. My current goal is to write at least one (bigger) post per week. I will not limit myself in any way so all topics are possible. After all, this post (and maybe even the next few) are supposed to help me understand how the peakd system works, how to apply the markups and to explore what is possible.

Interacting with you

I have no problem with constructive criticism. The operative word being constructive.

So if you...

  • do not like the content I write, then just stop reading it.
  • do not agree with me, then open a civil and constructive debate.
  • have suggestions/tip about the markup, then I want to hear/read it.
  • want me to write about a specific topic, then I will do my best but can not make any promises.

All in all I will appreciate any help I can get and I hope this will become a constructive blog and mabye even be a nice read for someone some day.

And to all a good night

Looking back at writing this post I had a lot of fun and learned a lot. I noodled around with headings and italics, put in a few links, one reference to another hive user and a list. The highlight for me was including the image with the text wrapping around it. What'S left to do now is putting in a preview description and topics-tags and I am good to go. All I have to say now is, that if you kept reading so far and did not fall ill to the tl;dr flue then I want to thank you and wish you the very best, maybe you will read something by me again one day.


Awesome stuff Hannes. Thanks so much for helping me already with some tips, tricks, and overall splinterlands strategy. You have made it an even more fun journey for me and have improved my win rate.


Thank you :-)
Nice to see you improving. Talking with you about cards and strategies helps me a lot, too. Because it forces me to think more deeply about those topics ;-) A Lot of fun as well :-P


Hello @hannes-stoffel! This is @proteancreator from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team, and I just want to say that that's some fine introduction post you got. Welcome to Hive! I'm glad you decided to give blogging a try from your usual exploits in Splinterlands.

Make sure to subscribe to other Communities you like, so you could share your blogs there to have a wider range of audience 😄. Check out the Communities Incubation Program for more info.

If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: Newbie guide. If you have questions, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions ✨.

Also, letting you know, since content on the Hive platform is monetized, using other people’s ideas or images could be considered as an offense and which is also viewed in a serious light on the blockchain. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.


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Great post. Very informative.
