Taco Tuesdays : A Day in the Life of a Coffee Bean


From Sun-Drenched Hills to Steaming Mugs

I wasn't always a tiny, roasted treasure nestled amongst my brethren in a sleek bag. My story begins nestled amongst vibrant green leaves, high up on a sun-drenched Colombian hillside. As a coffee cherry, I basked in the warmth of the tropical sun, my skin turning a deep, luscious red as I ripened. The cool mountain air carried whispers of distant waterfalls and the earthy scent of rich soil. Life was peaceful, filled with the gentle swaying of the tree and the chirping of exotic birds.

One crisp morning, the world erupted in activity. Nimble fingers, guided by practiced eyes, plucked me and my fellow cherries from the branches. We were gathered in wicker baskets, the sweet aroma of our ripe flesh mingling with the laughter and chatter of the coffee pickers. It was a bittersweet transition, leaving the familiar embrace of the tree for an unknown future.

Our journey continued onto a rumbling truck, the bumpy ride bouncing us against each other. The wind whipped through the gaps in the canvas covering, carrying with it the scent of exhaust and distant farms. It was a jolting introduction to the world beyond the plantation.

We arrived at a bustling processing facility, a cacophony of sounds and smells assaulting our senses. A giant machine stripped away our vibrant red skins, leaving us naked and vulnerable. We were then plunged into a vat of water, a cleansing bath that separated the good cherries from the bad. My buoyant nature kept me afloat, a sign of my quality and potential.

Next came the drying stage. Spread out on large, sun-baked patios, we basked under the relentless Colombian sun. The days were scorching hot, the nights refreshingly cool. This drying process was crucial, concentrating the sugars within our tiny bodies, developing the complex flavors that coffee lovers would eventually cherish.

Weeks later, we were no longer plump and juicy, but shrunken and dark brown. It was time for the next chapter – the transformation into the roasted coffee bean everyone craves. A colossal machine roared to life, its mechanical arm scooping us up and depositing us into a giant, spinning drum. The heat was intense, coaxing out our hidden flavors. We popped and crackled, transformed by the fire's embrace.

The roasting process was an art form. The skilled operator monitored the temperature and duration meticulously, ensuring we reached the perfect level of roast – not burnt, not underdone. The final result was a symphony of aromas – caramel, chocolate, and a hint of smokiness – a testament to the delicate balance achieved.

After cooling down, we were sorted and graded based on size and appearance. The top-tier beans, like myself, were destined for specialty roasters who would appreciate our unique flavor profile. We were packaged in airtight bags, the aroma trapped within, a promise of the delicious drink to come.

My final journey was a long one. I traveled across oceans, the scent of adventure filling the container ship. Finally, I reached my destination – a charming coffee shop tucked away on a bustling city street. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, a warm and inviting welcome.

A barista with a practiced hand scooped me and my companions into the grinder. The sharp whirring sound sent shivers down my non-existent spine, knowing this was the final transformation. We became a fine powder, the essence of our journey captured in those tiny particles.

Hot water met the grounds, releasing a rich, intoxicating aroma that filled the cafe. My essence, transformed into a steaming beverage, was poured into a beautiful mug and placed before a customer. As they took their first sip, a smile spread across their face. My journey, from sun-drenched hillside to steaming mug, had culminated in a moment of pure satisfaction.

In that single cup, I witnessed the joy coffee brings to people. It fuels conversations, sparks creativity, and provides a warm refuge on a chilly day. My journey may be over, but countless others like me continue it every day, bringing a touch of joy to the world, one cup at a time.


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Peace and Love
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