The Exciting Future of Hive


I'm very new to crypto and that's the reason why I've done so many wrong investments in my first months of trading.

When Play-to-Earn games became famous, that was when I learned about Hive-based NFT games.

I have come to appreciate the stability of the economies of Hive-based NFT games and I am just so glad that I am currently invested in it.

I know time will come that Hive will skyrocket to the moon and I'll always be glad that I was there to see it.


Hello @hernanperez21016! This is @indayclara from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first blog here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

However the best way to start your journey here in Hive is do an awesome introduction post. Information like who are you and where you're from, how did you discover Hive or who invited you, what types of content you want to see here and the types that you want produce, and what are your expectations in this platform. There's no pressure on this. You can choose on whatever information you would like to share. As a sample of what an intro post is, you can refer to this intro posts for reference Keeping Up With the Buzz - My Introduction to the Hive Community

It's also best to subscribe to Communities you like and share your blogs there to have a wider range of audience. Or you can check out the Communities Incubation Program.If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: Newbie guide.

Also, letting you know since content on the Hive platform is monetized, using other people’s ideas or images could be considered as an offense and which is also viewed in a serious light on the blockchain. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.

If you have questions, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions. Feel free to tag @lovesniper @indayclara once you have made your awesome introduction post! See you around.
