2022 A New Player's Journey Chapter 1


I'm on here to post something and I might as well post something I know(or don't know but wish to learn). The topic then will about one new player's journey into the big and exciting world of Splinterlands.

I started Splinterlands almost a week ago. For the first few days I just randomly played ranked in the arena. I didn't know anything at all so I just chose random summoner and monsters and the time I won was about as equal as the time I lost.

It was apparent very early on that I needed to buy the Spellbook to unlock the rest of the game including the Play-2-Earn aspect of it. I didn't know much about the game though so I was hesitant to just jump into it even though it was only 10 dollars.

My previous experience of not doing sufficient research and preparation before jumping into another P2E game had a rather disastrous result because of it.

After a day or so I bit the bullet and bought the Spellbook. I've been playing daily for three or four days now. Today is the first time that I managed to to complete the daily quest.

Even after having bought the spellbook I wasn't knowledgeable about the game mechanics and continued to just randomly pick my summoners and monsters. It's no wonder that I lost more than I won. When I actually took the time to look up the game mechanics and try to manually choose my teams after trial and errors I was finally able to get the hang of how to set up a team and began winning.

I managed to complete my previous day's daily quest and today's in short order.

Unfortunately the loot wasn't anything spectacular, just 4 coins and a potion.

Im still in Bronze III and I can't earn any DEC from any wins. In order to get to Bronze II I would need 1k collection power. I only have 5 from one card my referral gave to me and the 69 DEC he kindly sent to me for using his referral code.

It seems I would have to get more cards, both to have a strong deck to win and also to have the minimum CP required to reach Bronze II and beyond to actually start getting DEC.

For this I'd need to spend money by buying packs or just cards. I'm still a complete newbie still doing research. I don't know if it's better to buy packs or just cards. I don't even know what cards to get in the first place if I choose to buy cards.

The Chaos Legions general sales starts in about two days. I still have time to decide my options.

Like in doing all new things, it will take some time to learn and become familiar with the subject. Let's see how many chapters this book has.


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