Waiting For Season's End


Today is the end of my second season in Splinterlands. I have enough rating points to be in Bronze I but I do not have any DEC at all in order to rent the required power. I will have to settle for Bronze II reward then.
I never imagined that it would become difficult to complete daily quests, but the past 3-4 days I think I only completed the daily quest once. I was stuck on a life quest and couldn't finish it at all until I was able to change it to a snipe quest.
It's been a few weeks since I started. I don't have as high of a hope as I did when I was a complete greenhorn. Right now I'm just hoping that I can get something nice from the EoS chests. Though the chance of that happening is quite slim. Still, it's the only thing I still hope for in the game. My experience with airdrops and chest openings has taught me that something that is not a certainty is certainly not going to be.
I'm hoping for a lucky fluke of a GF legendary. That's all I can ask for.
