Free to play splinterlands prt 5 and a good fire team example


So another two days have passed on my free to play splinterlands journey as i have said before this is a second account i created to see if you can play splinterlands free to play only using what you get in game and any hive or SPT tokens i get from blogging the journey


The last two days have been good to me chest wise pulling a Pelacor Mercenary yesterady and a Rare Twilight Basilisk today

Pelacor is a great free to play Tank for the earth splinter and basilisk is a card i wont use much as dont play dragon but value and power which its great for the account

So todays quest was Fire Splinter and i thought i would show you my goto free to play team for this splinter that has around a 75% win rate

Screenshot 20210926 at 13.24.54.png

This speed build goes first most of the time and normally get a few hits in before the enemy gets a turn and with all the reach and sneak abilitys its hiting cards all over the board give it a try below is a example of it in action

So with the end of the season fast approaching im still looking to finish in bronxe 2 im half way up bronze one at present but im only really playing my daily quest battles on this account so monday and tuesday i will play it more to get up there i will need to rent some power but only 1k so with the 10 dec i have that wont be a problem

Screenshot 20210926 at 13.21.51.png

So after Ten days playing my new account is worth -$8.65 (gotta include the $10 spellbook in this challange)
