Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge: Even Stevens
Designed by canva
Hello splinterlands warriors, how are you doing today? ❣️
Happy Sunday to you around the world. We are to showcase our skills on Even Stevens. What a fantastic name! I don't know how they coined the name out but it is a pretty name.
The first time I encountered Even Stevens in a battle, it was a battle of which range monsters were only allowed to use. The battle didn't go well! I was defeated in the battle.
Even Stevens rule is a rule that needs to be carefully look at before selection. This is because any monster that has even mana cost may be used.
Click here to watch Supersneak and even stevens rules
Even Stevens: Only Monsters with even mana cost may be used in battles.
First thing I did was to check the availability of important monsters in all splinters- Earth, Life and Dragon. I realized Earth splinter was the best to use; then I selected Lobb Lowland summoner. This was because of the opportunity to use a gladius card.
I knew the Quora Towershead would be more useful in this battle than Katrelba Gibson. I know my opponent might find a way to stop Katrelba Gibson just like the way I stopped his own Katrelba Gibson.
Even Stevens rule is a rule that only monsters with even numbers such as 1,3,5,7 and so on.
We know what even numbers are! They are numbers that cannot be divided by two. When 2 is used to divide even numbers it will produce decimals such as 5.2, 6.4 and so on.
Super Sneak: All melee attack monsters have the sneak ability.
The word sneak means attack from behind.
It is crystal clear that an attempt to use melee monsters in the battle will attack from behind except a melee monster in the first position.
Range and magic monsters attack from the front line except monsters with 2 different attacks such as a Quora Towershead that has melee and magic attacks.
That was the reason my opponent used Dumacke Orc in the last position. He knew it was a rule that players protect their back line.
That was a major reason I used Mycelic Infantry in the last position.
Flesh Golem
Splinter: Earth 🌎🌍
Level: 3⭐⭐⭐
Speed: 2🚤🚤
Ability: Healing ♦️♦️
Health: 9❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Melee
Mana: 6
After searching for the best monster to lead the lineup; Flesh Golem was my favorite monster. I knew it won't be easy to destroy Flesh Golem except the opponent uses magic attacks all through. I was very sure that he won't use magic attacks all through because of Even Stevens rule. Even Stevens did not allow to use some important magic monsters.
I also knew my opponent would not risk the battle by using range monsters. If a range monster lead in this kind of battle, such a monster might not be able to attack except a monster with close range ability.
I knew that Flesh Golem would withstood pressure from opponent monsters.
Splinter: Earth 🌎 🌍
Level: 1⭐
Speed: 2🚤🚤
Ability: Double strike
Health: 10❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Melee
Mana: 10
It is good to hide some monsters! I couldn't risk Grund in this battle; and that was the reason I used it in second position. I wanted to place Grund in the first position, but I discovered it would not fight the way I wanted because it may be eliminated.
Combination of Flesh Golem and Wood Nymph was very good. But i was scared Grund would be eliminated because it doesn't have what it it takes to lead.
I also taught by the time Flesh Golem would be destroyed, more harm would have been done to the opponent monsters. Therefore, the pressure of attack would reduce. That waa the only time Grund could lead the battle but such a thing did not happen.
Quora Towershead
Splinter: Earth 🌎🌍
Level: 1⭐
Speed: 2🚤🚤
Ability: Bloodlust and Healing ♦️♦️♦️
Health: 10❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Magic and Melee
Mana: 10
Quora Towershead was my hope in this battle. Hence, it was needed for me to place it where it would not be easily attacked or destroyed.
Flesh Golem and Grund would be eliminated before Quora Towershead could lead the lineup while about three monsters would be destroyed from behind before Quora Towershead.
One of the things that gives me joy about gladius cards is Bloodlust ability. The more Quora Towershead killed monsters, the more her stat increased, and the stronger it became.
Without Quora Towershead, it wouldn't have been possible to eliminate the Dumacke Orc in this battle. The retaliate ability would have retaliated in this battle; but retaliate ability doesn't work against magic and ranged monsters.
Wood Nymph
Splinter: Earth 🌎🌍
Level: 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Speed: 2🚤🚤
Ability: Affliction
Health: 3❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Magic
Mana: 4
Wood Nymph was to increase the health of Flesh Golem. That was how Flesh Golem could survived in this battle.
Fortunately, there was no serious attack for the front line; only Queen Mycelia and Terraceous Grund were attacking Flesh Golem.
Wood Nymph kept on healing Flesh Golem.
Furious Chicken
Splinter: Neutral
Level: 3 ⭐⭐⭐
Speed: 1🚤
Ability: None
Health: 1
Attack: Melee
Mana: 0
After selecting monsters for this battle, no mana was left and I was left with a pot to fill. Since Furious Chicken doesn't take me anything, I used Furious Chicken.
I usually used this monster at the last position but I used it here in Fifth position. This was because I thought a Bloodlust monster could attack Furious Chicken that could increase its stat. That was the reason I used Furious Chicken in fifth position.
Mycelic Infantry
Splinter: Earth 🌎🌍
Level: 1⭐
Speed: 1🚤
Ability: Tank Heal
Health: 7❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Armor: 3
Attack: Melee
Mana: 8
The shield 🛡️🛡️ ability made me to use Mycelic Infantry as the last monster. Without Mycelic Infantry was a solid rock; it was difficult to destroy. It was eliminated toward the end of the battle.
Round One
Venari Knifer was the one that started the attack due to its higher speed. It could not damage much because of the shield 🛡️🛡️ ability of Mycelic Infantry. Quora Towershead was the next monster that attacked; she attacked Dumacke Orc and eliminated it.
Therefore, Dumacke Orc was the first monster that was eliminated in this battle.
Katrelba Gibson was not given a chance to attack in this battle, it was eliminated. Katrelba Gibson was the second monster eliminated.
Terraceous Grund attacked Flesh Golem; flesh Golem regained his health and damaged Terraceous Grund.
At the end of round 1, two monsters were eliminated from my opponent's lineup while there was no monster that was eliminated in my lineup.
Round Two
At this time, the armor of Mycelic Infantry was totally destroyed, and its health was damaged to five.
As usual, it was Venari Knifer that attacked first, damaging the health of Mycelic Infantry to 5.
Quora Towershead attacked and eliminated Queen Mycelia in the second round, making it the second monster eliminated by Quora Towershead. At this round, her speed increased to 4, magic 4 and melee 4.
Grund missed the first attack, and the second attack hit the target. The thorns ability from the Venari Knifer damaged 2 health from Grund.
Mycelic Infantry also attacked Venari Knifer.
Third round
At this round it was Quora Towershead that started the attack and it eliminated Venari Knifer. That was the end of Venari Knifer.
At this level, Quora Towershead became Undefeated.
My Mycelic Infantry was eliminated in round 3: that was The first monster eliminated in my lineup.
Round Four
In round 4, Quora Towershead eliminated the two monsters left in the opponent lineup.
Therefore, only Quora Towershead destroyed 5 monsters in this battle.
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The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
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Thanks for sharing! - @zallin
Well done, thanks for sharing!