Splinterlands - Chaos Legion is here! Stream Replay from December 8, 2021


Chaos Legion is finally here, and I've opened my first 140ish packs! It was a good day for it, with a real buzz flying around in the community regarding people getting their hands on packs and unveiling their new monster armies!

So far, I've only encountered a few Chaos Legion cards in my daily quest - and the early impressions I've got from Dr Blight is that they're a very useful, versatile card to stack into any sort of team.

I use them in a few games in the below video as I try to complete my daily quest to restock those precious lotions to enable me to open up more packs!

Until next time...

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If you haven't started playing Splinterlands, you should do that immediately. It's very good fun.

Go and watch me open season rewards and packs on YouTube!

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