Splinterlands Daily Quest Stream Replay - December 7, 2021


What a day. A sneak quest, and some time spent destroying my body in Ring Fit Adventure, thanks to the channel points system on twitch, where you can catch me live, and not have to make do with wretched replays like this one.

I got through the quest eventually, but it wasn't without a significant amount of pain, both in terms of Splinterlands outcomes, and in terms of participating in Ring Fit Adventure at the behest of my viewers.

With tomorrow's stream due to unveil a fair few of my chaos legion packs, It'll be a peachy keen day to get online and get opening!

Thanks for your support as always!

Until next time...

Want more holoz0r and Splinterlands?

If you want to see my Splinterlands antics and rants live, Find me on Twitch

If you prefer sleeping in your designated time zone, go watch replays on YouTube.

If you haven't started playing Splinterlands, you should do that immediately. It's very good fun.

Go and watch me open season rewards and packs on YouTube!

Want more content from me?

Witness my futile efforts to play my Steam Game collection in alphabetical order.

Are you aware that I love photography? Check out my work in a collection.

Thanks as always for your time!
