Splinterlands' Marketing Strategy - Waka Flocka

Splinterlands has established partnership with a popular singer Waka Flocka who is interested in crypto ecosystem very closely. Before the partnership and the upcoming Waka Summoner, which is going to be sold soon, I had no idea about him.

Splinterlands Waka Flocka celebrity ingame nft like sandbox.png

In the broad sense, I think these kinds of partnership bring value to both sides. Especially when we take the hype on Sandbox thanks to Snoop Dog's land, we can easily assess the value that comes with the marketing.

The Potential for Splinterlands

In this partnership, I cared about the number of people that Splinterlands will be reach via posts by Waka Flocka. If you had no idea about the singer, let's examine his social power.

He has 1.8M followers on Twitter and the number is 3.5M on Instagram. For both platforms, the singer published a specific post about Waka Spiritblade. When the number of followers are considered, it looks nice for Splinterlands' marketing.

Note: The only thing which attracted my attention is that the number of interaction with the posts are rather lower than what's expected from an account with millions of connections.

First In-game Celebrity Feature by Splinterlands

I think this can be something special for Splinterlands to get partnership with celebrities to create their in-game NFTs that are sold as special events. Having such a regular event will be a genuine advertisement option for the game.

But for spending money and time for Centralized Exchanges to list SPS and DEC tokens, I think the marketing budget can be spend for such partnership methods to diverge from other #GameFi / #Play2Earn games.

The Effects of MAX Level + OP NFTs

I think it is the dark side of the moon. Assuming that the marketing strategy becomes a regular event for Splinterlands ( I think it would bring nice reputation), the dynamics in the gameplay might be affected by the over population of over powered NFTs.

Since in-game dynamics are vital for the projects, gaming experience cannot be put into risks of imbalance. As a Splinterlands player, I prioritize the fun and profitable side of the game than the marketing campaign because there are already amazing things that are going to happen such as Lands, Governance, Totems etc.

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Splinterlands is on the Right Way

I'm proud of the team for their creative / unique ideas and sustainable solutions for the sake of game. It is really hard to manage a game that leads the whole GameFi ecosystem in terms of daily transactions and daily active players for several months.

Pancake Syrup, Celebrity NFTs, 365 days of Airdrop and Multi-Chain operations (WAX NFTs + BSC Tokens) are strong sides of the game that help the projects prove its difference from the other projects.


Splinterlands announced partnership with Waka Flocka over an in-game Summoner NFT that will be sold after 8 days. When we examine his social power, he owns millions of followers on Twitter and Instagram but the engagement on his partnership posts could be higher IMHO.

On the other hand, the unique Celebrity NFT method is a great marketing tool that may be turned into regular event to raise the reputation of Splinterlands in crypto ecosystem. While it sounds like a perfect idea, the in-game balance for max level legendary cards should also be considered.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


There is no doubt this is a great thing to see. We are now getting to the point where those projects that are using actually business building tactics are going to stand out.

Splinterlands has a vision and they are implementing it. This is only going to enhance the brand and hopefully they can leverage it to advance to the next level.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


As you emphasized, the vision of Splinterlands team always helps them prove how unique this game is.

Every day a new GameFi model card game is launched in a different chain. Since the ideology is more or less the same for these games, it is crucial to prove the strong sides of the games to diverge from the mass of copy-paste games.

Proud to say that Splinterlands has never been in this mass since its debut 😎


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