My motive for following: reasons why I follow my top 5.
Hello everyone. Good evening and welcome to my blog. How una de this evening??. Wishing everyone a wonderful new week ahead.
Still gonna thank #hivenaija for this weeks prompts, like I said before, topic 2 drew my attention but for real though I had to take 2 over 1 so I could take my time to my time to write about this particular topic.
When I came newly to hive, it took a lot of time to follow some users. I made sure I knew everyone of them and there was a tangible reason why I followed them. I just wanted people that could help me thrive and grow on this platform. This is to say I no just follow people for following sake, there's a reason for doing so.
So we've been asked to mention few people that we followed, reasons for doing so and probably what drew us to do so. So I'll be listing them first before I talk about them.
Firstly I'll be talking about @uyobong. He's my mentor and someone who has really helped me grow on this platform. He introduced me to Hive, at first I told him I wasn't interested because I heard yoo much about things like this, some didn't last and some I did but didn't work out. Till today, I'm so grateful for what he did, that was a lot he did to convince me and not only bringing me to this great platform, he helped me grow. Using this opportunity to say a big thank you ☺️. I appreciate and I'm grateful for everything.
So to the reason I followed him, I followed him because of his progress and the exposure he had, he had done a lot for himself on this platform and this was what really drew me, I really wanted to learn from him and also have the type of exposure he has.
Second person will be @etorobong. Coming to Hive, I didn't really know how to do a lot of things and I needed someone to guide me, a person that really came through for me would be her. She taught a lot of things and not only that, she really followed up to make sure I was on the right track and akso being consistent.
What really drew me to following her was how she always worked hard and also how she was consistent here on this platform. She had her time for play and the time to work. Following her has really helped me do a lot here on this platform.
Thirdly @meritahama, I've always admired merit for her consistency and the great amount of diligence she put into her work here. Following her and reading through her contents has motivated me a lot. For the small small comments and votes I receive from you, thank you so much and keep up the good work.
The fourth person would be @johnuko. To be honest, john inspires me on this platform. From the way he helps me in his own little way, from reblogging my posts to upvoting in his own little way ☺️. What really drew me was his way of supporting people.
Last person will be @abenad. Girl inspires me with her the way she's consistent and also how she also gives her little support to me. This was one of the reasons I followed her. I was drawn and I really wanted to learn a lot.
Saying thank you to you all for helping me in your own little way, this post is to say I see all of them and I appreciate it.
So it's also few days to my hive birthday. Join me do the countdown guys.
Thank you for stopping by
Feel free to reblog, upvote and don't forget to drop a comment
Best regards ❤️
Happy birthday in advance dear
I’m so honored to see myself here
Thank you.
Ya welcome
Thank you
Thank you for your kind words, I'm grateful for the opportunity to assist you on your Hive journey. Let's continue working together to achieve even more and contribute to the support of the hive ecosystem.
Thank you dear