Can Off-meta Compete? Nature deck testing -Is midrange a thing in this game anymore?-

Howdy! I'm just a week or 2 back into the game here, and I've been going through the meta alot. Last weekend I was able to pick up a solid amount of wins with budget control magic but I can't help a brewing habit I have!

One thing I have found is midrange decks have been pushed out of the meta. We have aggro in a few forms, control in many, and combo sprinkled in. Midrange is not really showing up so I wanted to test it out. Nature is also catching alot of flack right now, 1 more reason I wanted to brew with it hahaa.

We are Midrange Nature for this brew! I'll go over abit on the idea here below

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One of Natures strong parts is it can swam the board early game with sticky-ish creatures. This was good before, but the new removal and boardwipe tools make its weakness shine more now. If aggro nature falls behind it can REALLY struggle to get back online. This is where a midrange brew steps in.

We can (and do) win some games by overtaking the board early. We have a solid built-in aggro curve, but we want to make sure we don't run out of gas after a wipe or 2. Midrange we are looking to close out games around 5-8 mana, but can still go the distance vs control. We need to compete with Value cards like thyrell (or w/e he is called) so we grab extra threats from outside our deck, while still stacking some good ones in it.

Some standouts here are Bladefly, Nightleaf Prowler, and General Orythia, giving us 5 cards to quickly recover from a wipe. Nightleaf prowler into General Orythia can just win games at 7 mana. We tend to bait out wipes just with our aggro curve and bladeflys, making the Nightleaf/General a threat to use later vs control.

Penumbra Howler and Valewardens give us 3 extra threats, helping outvalue some control decks. Wisp for those extra extra long games lol

We run Winters Bounty + 2 Ember Oni for ample heals

Our top end can end games if not dealt with, and we got alot of juice before hand to bait out the answers. Hever becomes an absolute unit, Ploy is just hard to deal with, and the hidden Nightleaf Prowlers into General Orythia feels great even not being wild.

So next time someone is hating on poor ol'nature, get wild on them with this Midrange Nature deck baby!


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Deck code for those interested :D


I feel with all the aggro war/light decks ued now nature is still usable. Not as strong as before though definitely.


I've also been trying hard to make midrange work. Mainly because I like the play style. It's hard, though.


I'll be going to the dark side this WR with control death hahaa. Some midrange is OK but not a T1 deck on a budget. Kinda feels like playing the game on hard mode, but I don't mind that some times 😆


I have seen very few Midrange decks as of the moment but I think a midrange deck can still compete provided that it got all the tools and synergy.
