Upcoming Hot Posts!


Howdy! I've taken a break from posting to work on a few things in my life. I am a full-time electrician, I manage a handful of investment accts for a few clients, I do asset analysis for a few markets (Stocks,Crypto,Physical Assets) about once a week, I play Co-Ed Baseball, and I game at a Highly competitive level... You could say life keeps me busy. I am also recently broken up and have been dealing with dating in your 30s. But alas, I am putting time aside to keep contributing to HIVE with hot and sexy posts!

I've got some bangers to keep an eye out for over the next few months, drop a follow if you are keen to see some posts on:

-Splinterlands Card Market Analysis, Pre and Post Land

-Mobile Legends Bang Bang Hero Tier list (I am currently ranked #8 in Canada)

-Gods Unchained Budget Mythic Deck Brews

-Magic the Gathering Top Tier and Extra Spicey Deck Brews (Ex-Pro Tour Player and DeckBrew Squad)

I'm sure more will come up but these will be hit forsure!

Cheers and much love, Initiate1
