RE: Some mentions, from recent pack opens. 2022, i don't love you....yet.

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That shits funny. I wish I was a bot though. I can't even figure out how to script one of them damn things. I keep running into errors. Thought my computer was dead last night due to messing with a bot script. I gave up after some error called watchdog or something. My PC froze all of a sudden and and restarted. I was in panic mode because I was still in the process of writing this post. Luckily though, peakd saves every so often. I was able to just reopen Brave and then posted it. What is your opinion about the NFT thing that was mentioned? Also, the logo? Think it could use an update?


Uploading our entire neural network into a super soldier is a heck of a futuristic idea. Transcendent.

Montana sounds badass, probably colder than chicago, but its like single digits past couple days, pretty cold.


Yeah exactly. It has been in the negatives this past week. My home gets really cold at night. I will basically go to bed when I start getting cold. I didn't weatherize my house this year. I just moved in the place I live back in August, so we didn't really have a ton of time for us to get things done. I quit my job in the beginning of November. I just had been focused on the holidays rather than winterizing. With wind chills it was -20 the night before last. My windows had ice over every single one of them. It has been like that for at least a week. Too damn cold. Today it is in the 40's, tomorrow snow again. I have never been to Chicago but my dad did go on Jerry Springer back in the 90's. I have wanted to see the Sears tower since. If it is even a thing anymore. Not sure. lol


Lol, thats a badass state, no doubt. 100% respect for that. Chicago is garbage lately, but it will always be an iconic city.

Its funny because old school chicago people still call it the Sears tower, its been the Willis tower for a few years now. Long live the Sears. Friggin springer too lol.

Stay warm, keep rockin!

