The new Stats preview of DOCTOR BLIGHT



Doctor Blight Arrives!

You guys tend to like when I post stat previews of cards from the AMAs, the last in particular was the leak of Lava Launcher and Oshannus!

Here, finally, is a sneak peak at Doctor Blight's card, a legendary Neutral monster costing 4 Mana.

Stats & Abilities

At Level 1, he is a little underwhelming, with 1 Magic, 1 Speed, 3 Health, Affliction, and Slow. This makes him a little expensive mana wise, but grants 2 debuffs.

At Level 2, he gains Poison, becoming a very dangerous, slow firing threat that can stack Affliction and Poison from a single unit, halting healers in their tracks and cutting down chunky tanks. Poison is a very powerful ability, and to pair it with Affliction for the chance of a double proc can shut down many tanks entirely. This is the Silver level of the card, and while it seems many find it underwhelming, I am going to be very happy to show how much of a threat this will be in Silver.

At level 3, he gains +1 Magic and Vulture, becoming a slightly tankier card that hits harder for 4 Mana. These are big upgrades, but really, they just put Blight in line with other 4 Mana cards at the Gold level, and while many thing this is the biggest power spike, it's really more of an equalizer that gives him the survivability he needs for a lot of the Gold Meta.

At Level 4, he gains Weaken, reducing all enemies health by 1 HP. This gives him a full kit of nasty debuffs and makes him an annoying card all on his own. This compounds because, when he is defeated, all of those annoying debuffs are removed, making his positioning absolutely crucial.

My Thoughts on the Card

It's great to see a card heavily focused on debuffs, where his stats are particularly slow and squishy, he is a card that requires absolutely perfect positioning, predicting how your opponent will attempt to attack him, and remove all of those juicy debuffs which, the longer they're active, the more likely you are to clinch the win. For many Death users, this will be a very familiar strategy, that they can now pack into Death even moreso, or take into another Splinter who might be able to capitalize off of it.

As a player who tends to prefer the Silver meta to Gold, and the Yodins that come with upper gold vs. upper silver, I like this card quite a bit, and I'm looking forward to using it in cheeky ways in Wild format especially. I'll also be bullying Life decks quite a bit with this card as well.

Hello Death Mage my old Friend.


Finally, Death Mage with Delwyn in Wild just got a huge buff to its playstyle, and is now a very powerful and very dangerous threat.

Looking forward to playing with some interesting Wild and Modern magic builds, and very excited to use this guy in my Death and Fire decks.

Also, enjoy this animated Harklaw to finish off the post!


What do you guys think of Doctor Blight's stats and uses across the different leagues? Are you excited, scared, unimpressed? Let me know in the comments!


Death is possibly my toughest splinter and poison is one of my favorite abilities, so I'm definitely looking forward to some Dr. Blight action!

@SketchyGamerGuy did you see this yet?



I used to have to choose between Afflict (Serp Mystic/Archer/Grim), Poison (Spider/Venari), or ridiculous damage (Soul, Twisted, Mantoid, etc)

Now I can just have all 3, and save a spot in my lineup TOO
