The Luck of the Draw #3 - One of each kind


So, time for the final round of daily rewards for the season. Luckily i managed to finish my daily 20 minutes before the season timer ran out and the raward was alright:

I mean yeah, single digit DEC is pretty bad, but with Chaos Legion around the corner, i really can't complain about the potion. I will buy 100 Packs once the general sale is life and will only open one once i have the potions for it and hodl the rest for airdrop points so every potion is welcome. Pelacor Deceiver is alright. Every single card has it's place and within the next few days I will be making a post about the Pelacors describing them in more detail.
Overall today was pretty easy with a nature Quest. It took me 15 battles to get the reward card.
So, I am off to opening the EOS chests in will report on their contents later today.
To all you players out there, keep up keeping up and see you tomorrow!
