Splinterlands: Another Day of Gold Chests and My Thoughts on Kulu Mastermind

It was rough going in the gold league yesterday. Ran into Kitty level 3 a couple times which I hate... but only because I don't have one! I did manage the squeak out 14 gold reward chests without buying energy so it was a good day! A little over two SPS, a few more potions and two legendary pulls (a first for me, I was pumped!) Not too bad if I say so myself. I added more Coastal Sentry, Gobson Bomber, and War Pegasus to level up my copies. I pulled five copies of Franz Ruffmane but not quite enough to make it to level four. Merits treated me right this time with 1355 getting me another Gladius pack but was denied a Quora, again......... frustrating! I did pull another Sorriel The Bale leveling him up to level two and a Kulu Mastermind which I already had in gold foil at level three from a great pull recently. I decided to review Kulu today because he is an awesome force to be reckoned with!




Kulu Mastermind is a water type who comes with weapons training to give attack to adjacent non attack cards and also has opportunity. Not only that but has excellent health and attack with a melee of four damage. At level two it picks up shield to reduce damage from melee and ranged attack. At level three he picks up and extra melee damage to five. Then at level four he becomes a beast with fury, increasing his speed and attack once he's attacked. Overall he's a monster, just what a legendary card should be.

I have really enjoyed using him in the last week. He's one of those cards that really makes a difference especially in high mana matches since he is nine mana. Adding in a level 8 Deeplurker with the Kulu makes for tough team to beat, unless you're up against thorns of course. In that case I prefer opting to magic or ranged depending on the match's rule sets.

I am slowly working towards my goal of achieving a strong team of soul bound rewards cards to dramatically reduce my dependency on rentals. It is taking time to get these monsters up to snuff to play in gold or diamond! I'm finding that patience is the key. Please feel free to ask any questions for leave any comments below and thanks for taking time to read my post! Have a great day!

If you don't already play Splinterlands your can join in on the fun by clicking this link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=javeson

All images are property of Splinterlands.


Que suerte, muy buena esa legendaria, lastimosamente no he tenido la oportunidad que me salga en algún cofre de recompensas , pero espero pronto me pueda salir 🙂. Saludos.


Yo creo que sit, no tuve ninguna por un largao plazo y derepente en dos semanas tuve cuatro!
