RE: Which #STEEM Discord communities are you a part of and why?

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The (not exactly extensive) topic at hand, has been discussed and voiced from both perspectives already - we don't agree and running around in circles trying to force either perspective onto the other is a complete waste of time - so I am choosing to leave it there.

You are welcome to stick around as long as you want - but I will no longer engage on the matter because it is futile.

What you are doing now is borderline trolling and I am pretty certain most would agree that this is far more offensive than the post upon which you are choosing to do it.

Let's try not to behave like children...

You have yourself a super week further @torico and perhaps next time we engage it will be under more positive circumstance.


yes i am sure that what im saying may seem like trolling to you.

I fail to understand how you can defend yourself as a writer and community leader by asking such a simple open ended question that you could have easily answered yourself, in a complete and helpful manner to other users, if you had only done your own research before hand. It would have taken work. But you could have written a really excellent post, and in that I am disappointed.

I see that you are a skilled writer in most of your other posts, but in this you drop the ball and don't have the guts to admit it. Instead you attempt to pass it off as being "helpful to the steemit community" when the only value it obtained is through the grace of other peoples comments, and not your own work. I do not find this commendable.

I find your arrogant attitude FAR more offensive than calling someone out and being a bit snarky with them. There's a difference between childish trolling and expressing disgust with a persons lack of ethics.

But you are right, I am carrying on to empty ears. I'll do what I should have done in the first place, which is down-voted this for lack of effort.


She didn't drop the ball at all. She did what many good leaders do, she solicited input from others rather than assuming she knows all and would find all.

Feeling a bit grumpy there? That is how you are coming across in this thread.


im coming across as critical of shoddy work. if you are going to do something, do it right not half assed.


The work is not shoddy ... just because it doesn’t meet your idea that she should spoon feed her readers rather engage them and invite input. So grumpy is kind.

Posted using Partiko iOS


its my opinion and im sticking to are welcome to your own, but last I heard, having an ethical opinion isn't grumpy, its called being clear about what you value. engaging readers is all very fine, but engagement doesnt make the content decipherable unless the engaged participants can write coherently about the subject matter.


Her question was very coherent.. people apparently found it so as well. Ethical option? Is that like I’m goddess peons be quie?

Posted using Partiko iOS


read it again. unless the engaged participants can write coherently about the subject matter.
i.e. commentators. as said numerous times, this post derives value from engagement. it is geared, so the author claims, to new (and old) users. I feel its value to new users is diminished greatly without a description and a link to what is being referenced, that is my opinion, having worked with numerous new users who struggle to understand terms and value of the various servers and communities. you dont need to agree with my opinion. i know many here dont agree because they want to protect the author. but having said my opinion i will not back down on it.
