

It's time for another weekly Splinterlands battle challenge and I'm happy to see it's using dragons again. I think if I ever get to the point where I have a MAX level summoner, it will be a dragon because they can call upon any splinter. I remember MAXed summoners selling for $50 last year before everything blew up. I highly doubt that day will ever come again. If you could have any summoner at MAX level which one would it be?


I'm a Gold-level player so I need all of my summoners to be at level 3 and above, but I was able to win using my level 1 dragon summoner, Brighton Bloom, who gives everyone the ability to fly.

Brighton Bloom.png

This summoner comes in handy during earthquakes. Even though my enemy was using a level 3 summoner they lost because only two of their monsters could fly.

Wave Brood.png

I used to get angry whenever I'd lose a battle, but now I'll either learn from their strategy or if I'm really impressed, invite them to my guild. That's how I got the idea of putting Wave Brood out front. Even though it's a ranged attack card, it can attack while in the front and also has the taunt ability so most of the enemy cards will attack it. This gives your other cards a good chance to attack without taking any damage until the Wave Brood dies.

Chaos Dragon.png

The Chaos Dragon is a powerful must-have card. It has a strong magic attack with the scatter ability hitting random targets. Its shields and strong life make it hard to kill too.

Djinn Oshannus.png

Djinn Oshanus is one of my favorite water cards from the Chaos Legion. You'll get this card for free eventually because it's a reward card.

Nerissa Tridawn.png

Nerissa Tridawn is a beautiful and strong magic card. I'll make sure to include her anytime there is a high mana battle.

Venari Wavesmith.png

Venari Wavesmith gives everybody on your team more shields as long as she's alive so you don't want her out front, but you don't want her in the rear either because it's likely your enemy will be using sneak attacks.

Torrent Fiend.png

I put the Torrent Fiend in the rear to absorb a few sneak attacks before they killed my Venari Wavesmith taking down everyone's shields. Fiends are great for all splinters because they don't use any mana and can mean the difference between victory or defeat in evenly matched battles.


Thanks for reading about my battle today. Get in the game!


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