Brawl Report #33

Splinterland Brawls are a guild event where you can earn merits and SPS. This post serves as a way for me to review how my fights went and as a reminder to sign up for the next brawl. I have missed brawls in the past and it hurts when gladius cards can now be used in ranked battles using the soulbound summoners. We had a 3 star brawl battle last round but I forgot to check back in on the rankings before the next brawl preparations started. Apparently, we will be alternating 3 star and 2 star brawls for a while but we haven't done 3 stars in a long while.

Brawl fights

There were 6 that I won. So I included an idea of what the match was below along with a few thoughts about it.

You can find the first match here. I won this match and my reliance on magic monsters helped me. By having a few monsters with armor, I was also able to limit the ranged damage that I took and this allowed me to win the match.

You can find the second match here. I won this match because of my ranged snipe monster with bloodlust. It took out my enemies damage dealers and scored me an easy win with its high speed.

You can find the third match here. I won this match because I had a lot of cards to attack with. My opponent did not take advantage of his mana to place attackers and this allowed me to kill off my opponent. At the same time, my summoner added an extra armor for each of my monsters and this allowed them to live longer.

You can find the fourth match here. I won this match and my use of a shield tank with bloodlust helped a lot. With the extra armor from my summoner as well as protect, repair was great at keeping my backline alive in the match.

You can find the fifth match here. I won this match because my opponent used too many magic monsters. That was hurt because of my summoner and I focused on range or melee damage. THe only thing that I realized that I did badly in this match was the speed of my cards but I was able to land my hits so it didn't matter too much.

You can find the last match here. I won this match but it was far too close. My reliance on flying monsters helped me and I was able to dodge enough attacks to win. Otherwise, I don't think I could have outdamaged my opponent without that earthquake ruleset there.

Brawl Result

I chose the gold foil modern brawl and I got 6 wins. It was a great brawl and I won all of my matches. My rewards for the brawl were 4,188 merits and 23.424 SPS in the 2 star category. I forgot to visit the guild and take a closer view of my rewards but I think we were 1st place based on the guild chat. I choose to take the gold foil modern brawl because my guild usually doesn't fill all their spots and I prefer to give my other guild members a chance at the brawls.


My performance was great this time around. We placed 1st place just based on the rewards and my guild also did great on their brawls. I think brawls are a great way of earning SPS and merits for the number of battles you participate in. So I think it is worthwhile for people to participate in these brawls. My current brawls are in the two star or three star category.

Are you taking part in Guild Brawls?

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Your brawl selection team was powerful enough to secure a victory in most of the battle.
I like the strategies you have displayed in the illustrations in the article.
All the best for your guild in the competition.
Thank you
