My Splinterland Tips for Beginners

The weekly Splinterlands Social Media challenge inspired this post and it's an interesting topic to talk about. Back when I first started my journey here on Splinterlands, it led me to Hive and the blogging aspect.

Introduction to Splinterlands

Break down the fundamental concepts of the game.

Splinterlands is a blockchain game on the Hive blockchain. In this game, you can own your cards as NFTs and use them to battle against other players. Each game is played between 2 players and each player gets a summoner plus 6 spots open for cards. Each summoner or card requires mana and there are also different rulesets that will benefit special cards. Each summoner or card will have a different ability so mixing and matching them under the correct rulesets will help you win or lose a match.

Getting Started

Provide tips for new players on how to navigate the platform and join battles.

When you get to the battle tab, you will see the above on the screen. The top most tab lets you switch between modern format or wild format. Modern is better for newer players because it limits the ranked battles to the most recently released splinter sets. Wild is the spot for people who want to use all cards and it's also where the bots have been placed.

In the top left, it shows how many seasonal chests you will get based on the points you have collected during the current season. The top right shows your current league which affects the focus chests you get and the level of cards that you can use up to. Towards the bottom middle is the battle screen where you can battle other players and the bottom right has the current focus and how many chests you have collected. The focus chests reset at midnight UTC time every single day.

The leagues will help determine your rewards. As you go up in leagues, your points and chances of getting better reward cards will also go up. It also determines the highest level card you can use and if you don't use the highest level card, you will receive a point penalty when you win matches.

There are two types of cards. The first is a summoner and everybody is required to have one in the match. The effects of this are applied to all cards on the field on your team or your opponent. In the example above, the effect is a debuff of 1 magic and 1 health to my opponent's team. It costs 4 mana to use and depending on the level of the card, the maximum level cap of your cards can use.

The next type of card that you can have is a monster. Above is a card called Antoid Platoon. You can see the stats and ability that this card has at specific levels. It's starting ability is shield. This ability reduces melee and ranged attacks by half. Each monster will have different stats and abilities so people should mix and match to build their strongest teams.

rule set.png
In the above picture, there is Target Practice and Super Sneak. This means that melee monsters gain sneak and ranged/magic monsters gain the snipe ability. There is also 14 mana available and I am left with the choice of fire, water, life, and death splinter.

For more information about how to play the game, you can visit the new player guide. You can visit sites like monstermarket or peakmonsters to buy cards.

Strategy Tips for Beginners

Offer strategic advice for players who are just dipping their toes into Splinterlands.

To start off, I think people should try fighting using the default deck first. You can't earn much SPS and you can get used to the battle system. After that when you are comfortable with the system, you should start off by renting cards. Personally, I think peakmonsters is a good place to manage those rentals. Why renting? It's because cards can be quite expensive so you should try out the cards first before buying them. This way, you can test out the game and it requires less starting capital to get started in the game. When you do buy cards, I suggest monstermarket because it gives you some cash back from the fees that they earn.

As a bonus way to get used to matches, I suggest taking part in tournaments once you have your cards. You can see what team setups are better and you can learn quite a bit from them. I know I did when I first started but I have stopped doing them lately due to time constraints.

Community Welcome

Emphasize the importance of community in Splinterlands. Encourage new players to join forums, Discord channels, or other social media groups where they can connect with experienced players, ask questions, and share their progress.

One thing that I want to emphasize is that players should try to give blogging a try. There are multiple challenges going on each week and if you take part in them, it's possible to use that to fund your splinterlands journey. If you don't have enough for the spellbook to get started, you can blog about it to raise those funds. If you already have the spellbook, you can always use it to get new cards or upgrade your existing cards. These challenges don't require much except for you to share the content the Hive content on other platforms. Let's make sure to let other people know about Splinterlands.

Share Your Early Experience

Reflect on your own beginnings in Splinterlands. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them? Share any memorable moments from your early battles.

It took a while to get use to the battling system and like I said earlier, tournaments were a good way to learn about good teams to use. I don't see any reason to not give them a try when you first start off because the fee tends to be quite cheap. Generally, I broke even or earned a little bit from the tournaments. Googling the game sent me to PeakD a lot so I suggest people blogging as well. It's a good way of earning some money to upgrade cards. The blogging experience might take a while before it shows much results, but I highly suggest taking part in the weekly challenges.

For me, the biggest issue was learning about information. It was all over the place and I think it's much better now. If you have any questions, ask in a post or on their discord. The best way to learn the game is to play though. So make sure to get your fights in. I lost a lot of matches when I first started and leveling your cards is very important towards winning matches.


This is the tips for Splinterlands. If you are getting started or if you think there are things that I missed, you can feel free to talk about your own experience in Splinterlands.

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
