Current win-rate: 57.6%


3 days after the new season started and I am already at 57.6% win-rate! Don't get me wrong though cause I welcome this number with arms wide open. XD

Instead of having a 85%+ win-rate, I actually prefer this kind of win-rate. This just means that the next few days there is a 'very high' possibility that I will not be matched up against very strong (max level summoners/monsters) in a row and that thought at least gives me peace of mind.


You see I can deal with a win win lose lose win lose win lose kind of streak. BUT I just cannot deal with a lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose .... lose ... lose.. streak IN A SINGLE DAY!

I'd rather have at least 50% win-rate in a day rather than having a 15 long+ lose streak.

Reward~wise still a little 'meh', at least I got 3 reward cards though. I am still hoping to get that last AXEMASTER card to level up mine to level 3 and level up that card's ranged double attack to 3. Would be insane to watch in my matches.

