Mastering the Art of Deck Building for Every Ruleset in Splinterlands


So, you're hooked on Splinterlands, and now you're looking for a way to build a killer deck that can handle any challenge thrown your way, right? Well, be ready, because today we're going to dive deep into some tips and tricks for creating a winning deck that'll take on any ruleset in the game.

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What is a ruleset in Splinterlands?

In Splinterlands, a ruleset is a set of conditions that can completely change how a battle plays out. You know, random stuff like changing the mana cap, which splinters are allowed, card abilities, and other factors.

How to build a balanced and powerful deck for any ruleset in Splinterlands

Now, let's talk about building that super versatile and powerful deck for any situation!
There's no one-size-fits-all answer here, but keeping these general principles in mind will help you create a deck that's ready for anything:

  1. Know your cards : Understand their stats, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Pay attention to how they interact with each other and different rulesets. For example, some cards have abilities that are more useful or useless depending on the ruleset, such as shield or armor-piercing.

  2. Know your splinters : Be familiar with their themes, synergies, advantages, and disadvantages. Also, consider which splinters are more suitable or unsuitable for different rulesets. For example, some splinters have more options or limitations depending on the mana cap or the allowed splinters.

  3. Know your opponent : Learn their cards, splinters, strategies, and tendencies. Understand how to counter or exploit them depending on the ruleset. For example, some opponents may use predictable or unconventional decks that you can anticipate or surprise.

  4. Know your strategy : Define your objectives, play style, and adaptability. You should know what you want to achieve with your deck, how you want to play it, and how you want to adapt it depending on the ruleset. Also, be aware of how to balance offense and defense, speed and power, synergy and diversity.

An example of a balanced and powerful deck for any ruleset in Splinterlands

Let's take a look at an example of a balanced and powerful deck that can handle any ruleset in Splinterlands.This deck uses the Fire splinter as the main splinter, but it can also switch to other splinters if needed. The deck consists of:

  • Summoner: Pyre (Legendary)

  • Tank: Living Lava (Rare)

  • Melee: Cerberus (Rare)

  • Ranged: Spark Pixies (Common)

  • Magic: Fire Elemental (Rare)

  • Support: Spirit Miner (Legendary)

This deck's got it all: high mana efficiency, speed, damage output, survivability, and synergy. It can handle any ruleset because it can adjust its strategy and tactics accordingly. For example:

  1. In Equalizer, this deck can use its high speed and damage output to overwhelm the enemy before they can heal or shield themselves.

  2. In Melee Mayhem, this deck can use its high melee damage and retaliate ability to dominate the battlefield and deal massive damage to the enemy.

  3. In Reverse Speed, this deck can use its high health and armor to tank the enemy attacks and then strike back with its blast and snipe abilities.

  1. In Super Sneak, this deck can use its sneak ability to target the enemy backline and weaken their health while using its shield and void abilities to protect itself from sneak attacks

Of course, no deck is perfect, and there are always challenges or disadvantages against certain decks or rulesets. For example:

  1. This deck may struggle against decks with high magic damage or debuff abilities, such as Life or Death splinters.

  2. This deck may struggle against rulesets that limit or disable certain abilities or splinters, such as Lost Magic or Back to Basics.

  3. This deck may struggle against rulesets that favor specific types of attacks or monsters, like Little League or Odd Ones Out.

But don't worry, you can overcome these challenges by switching to other splinters or cards that are more suitable or effective for the given ruleset. For example:

  1. If facing high magic damage or debuff abilities, you can switch to Water or Earth splinters that have more magic resistance or cleanse abilities.

  2. If facing rulesets that limit or disable abilities or splinters, you can switch to cards with high stats or neutral splinters that are always allowed.

  3. If facing rulesets that favor specific types of attacks or monsters, you can switch to cards with those types of attacks or monsters.

Remember, the key is to be flexible and adaptable, and to use your knowledge and experience to make the best decisions for each battle.

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Whew, that was quite the deep dive, wasn't it? I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new about building a balanced and powerful deck for any ruleset in Splinterlands.

If you did, please leave a comment below and share this post with your friends. And if you haven't already, make sure to check out and give this amazing game a try!

Don't forget to share your own tips and tricks for building a killer deck in the comments! Let's help each other become the ultimate Splinterlands masters!




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The new rulesets made the game more interesting, new lineups and meta came out and options became wider when it comes to card selections.
Nice read, thank you for the tips.


Exactly, I keep enjoying it one of this days.
Thanks so much for stopping by @suteru ,your contribution is greatly appreciated.

I'm @josedam you can follow and catch up with me for me interesting topic to write on. untitled.gif


The new rulesets made the game more interesting, new lineups and meta came out and options became wider when it comes to card selections.
Nice read, thank you for the tips.


Exactly, I keep enjoying it one of this days.
Thanks so much for stopping by @suteru ,your contribution is greatly appreciated.

I'm @josedam you can follow and catch up with me for me interesting topic to write on. untitled.gif


The new rulesets made the game more interesting, new lineups and meta came out and options became wider when it comes to card selections.
Nice read, thank you for the tips.


Exactly, I keep enjoying it one of this days.
Thanks so much for stopping by @suteru ,your contribution is greatly appreciated.

I'm @josedam you can follow and catch up with me for me interesting topic to write on. untitled.gif
