RE: Officially Earning With Splinterlands


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The vouchers are expensive, it wasn't like I got it airdropped to me plus it's a one time purchase to actually buy that pack. It was expensive when I bought it, so I can't holdl it since it's been used to buy that pack.
As for Migrating, I still need a Strategy going forward, building a deck is pretty expensive, so I'm thinking of just holding DEC, staking the sps, maybe earn voucher and see what I'll do in the future. SPL is all about having money to earn even more money. So I'll just take develop a strategy, it's whole lot competitive out there


Hey the chaos cards are still reasonable. My strategy this time around, after building a few decks for others and myself, was to start with the chaos league cards as they were the cheapest but also keeping in mind to get a summoner for each splinter. Also important to get your cards leveled up to your summoners ability to call them. I looked at the league requirements for card levels. I leveled my cards up according to Gold 1 tier requirements. Overall my strategy was complex and long winded. It involved consolidating my HSBI shares and spt holdings into the cards as I saw the bottom of the market and how lucrative the chaos cards were.

With all that being said, if your strategy is to play then yeah start looking into those areas I mentioned. But I had/have been blessed recently with investing money.

There is a really good opportunity to get vouchers and packs now while the hive market is down and to resell at a ridiculously higher amount next month especially next year; look at the beta, alpha, dice and untamed packs on the secondary market as they were initially around 2 bucks...


With all that being said, if your strategy is to play then yeah start looking into those areas I mentioned. But I had/have been blessed recently with investing money.

I'll definitely play... There's so many places to put in funds. Like you said, you've been blessed with investing money hahaha. I was too sometimes ago but I think I did some pretty bad investments and I lost a chunk of money. So it's just about trying to maximize the little I have. Nevertheless, thanks for putting me through. I'll check to see how much I can still throw in.


Yeah, also the gold cards are a good buy especially the gold rares. They rent well, currently great price point for rares and you get more collection power which means more sps air drop points. The chaos rewards cards are not as high in collection power as the older cards. The higher you level your gold cards up the higher the rental rates.
