Splinterlands: Updates & Last Day Of The Season

So it is the last day of the season, and another season has started. So I played against a lot of max level summoners, winning some and losing some. However, I was able to meet my goal of finishing in Champion 3 Wild. I need more cards; I was hoping to surpass my 44k Glints earned last season, but I was unable to do so and only earned 42.2k glint, which is slightly less than 2k, but it simply means that I had a more disappointing season than the previous one. However, I plan to try again next season.

How I Plan To Spend My Glint

I need to buy at least one legendary draw and see if I can raise all of my soulbound summoners to levels 6, 7, and 8. However, I do not think I will be able to accomplish that this season. I need to upgrade my KULU MASTERMIND to level 2, and obtaining the USUT is also a priority.

I have never gotten the USUT before, and it is always been one of my downfalls in many games. I hope I do not get either the KULU or the USUT in the legendary draw I am going to buy this time; if not, 25k is a lot of effort and time.

There has been a massive update to the Gwen's shop.

Random draws have been replaced with minor, major, and ultimate chests. So they are no longer called draws, but chests. I believe they did this because people miss opening chests. Many people, including myself, have complained that the feeling of opening chests is far superior.

They listened. However, I doubt I will spend more than 5k Glint to check out the new update, as the posts I have seen suggest it is a bigger gamble. I have even heard that they now give energy in these draws, but the catch is that the energy you previously had does not regenerate, especially once it reaches 50.

So, basically, I want to upgrade my summoners by purchasing more rare draws, more common draws in order to obtain more cards to upgrade my other common cards, and one legendary draw. Then, any remaining Glint will be used to experiment with the newly added draws.

Guild Outing

In terms of Guild participation, I won four and lost three games this week. It was not a great outing, but it was adequate. This time, everyone gets 10 SPS and slightly more than a thousand merit points. I think that. I will also spend about 1k glint on merits to upgrade some of my Gladius cards as well. So I might just buy three Gladius cases and see what I find inside.

SPS Goals?

I am also looking to add some SPS to my stash, but I do not have enough money. However, if I can spare $2 to $5, I should be able to get some SPS. SPS is at its cheapest and lowest point, and even if its price does not rise for the time being, it is still useful for battles to earn more SPS and Glint, especially if you have staked it.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Nice EOS. I tried my luck at the legendary draw and I always get the one I don't need without fail! I did try the ultimate chest several times and pulled several gold cards and a lot of energy and merits. Can't wait to hear your luck on the legendary pull!


As always I pulled a legendary I already have the level three gold of. For 25k and burning it for 2.5k feels really unfair, since I actually don't need it..


I don't like the new chest changes. I thought the changes were done to give us more flexibility. By removing the random draw and putting in random chests, I feel that we just lost out.

Congratulations on ending in Champion league.


I also didn't like it, it doesn't make sense, if chests were to be restored, then the whole Gwen system will be taken away.


Looks like many took advantage of new Loot chests, particularly the high chances to hit the jackpot. I wasn't one of them, but I understand why people focused on them. Getting an old edition chest with tradable cards or a land plot beats getting soulbound reward cards. But if the chests return (they are currently not available anymore), the chances for the jackpot will be 10x lower for all variations of chests.


You're right, the high chance to hit the jackpot. Tradable rewards are good including other forms of reward that came with the major chests in the new changes. I wish I reached and got some beta packs too, unfortunately I didn't even know there will be tradable rewards there. There's a massive traffic or people looking to earn some real time reward


The bad thing is that I knew and I ignored it, lol.


Your progression during the season is inspiring
Did you prefer Chest to Draws?
Happy season end


They don't seem to make any difference so, the rewards are still not good.
