Splinterlands - The Growth Conundrum


What are the barriers to success for Splinterlands?

After a bit of a talk about this in the Mavericks chat over the last few weeks, it got me thinking about how we as a community can help the space grow and i decided to write my first post on Peakd

Every business, project and community is faced with the challenge of not only how to grow their client/customer base, but also to attract the right kind of people to their space.
Casting a wide net can sound like a great idea but the true legends of their space are the ones who own their niche

Most can agree that more people is better, but that needs to apply to the right kind of people and the messaging we use to attract new people to the space is really important

If the messaging is consistent with ' Come to Splinterlands, you will make life changing money'
then we need to be aware that the mindset of those we draw in could be tempered toward greed, push and shove, lie, cheat and steal. For the gold rush era was bountiful for few, it left a slew of victims in its wake

That then begs the question, Who do we want to grow the Splinterlands community with?

Gamers? Investors? Creatives? Opportunists? Tech nerds? Fantasy fans? Non Fiction fans? High School/university Students?


Each of these needs a specific set of values to be met in vastly different ways to firstly attract them to the game and secondarily keep them here
The tertiary benefits of this is their individual network effects can draw like minded people in together so if you can sell the idea of Splinterlands to one person from that group, you can then replicate it for the collective

wants to grind, finds sense of progression and achievements important
looks for exclusive items, opportunities, challenges

Here for ROI, APRs, APYs and to make money

Want to enjoy all aspects of the game, create content, artwork with meaning
(anyone can draw a dog but for someone to create an art piece with relevance wants it to be appreciated for its adaptation)

Opportunists -
Here for the gains, following trends, win or lose but do it fast and get out

Technologists -
Here for the coming of the new world of finance, gaming and web3.0

The list could continue in depth and breadth,
Some people come here with one interest and adopt a few more, but the point is:

For splinterlands to grow, we need to capitalize on the niche we are in and highlight the way it touches on the values of each type of community member

This isn't an instructional post on how to do this but more to open the eyes of the community members to think about what draws them to the game, and how to share how your values as a person are met by this game

There are 9 basic motives that cause people to do things (How to sell your way through life - Napoleon Hill)
Have a think about what drove you here:
Self preservation
Financial Gain
Sexual Desire
Desire for power/fame
Desire to build and create

For the Splinterlands to grow we need more awesome people here like all of us. But what brings us here may not be what would convince a friend to start playing, So think about how you present this game to each person u discuss it with
Some are here for the numbers, stats win rates or ROI/APY, some are here for the community and others for the card game



Welcome to Splintertalk.

Finding a common ground for the splintered Splinterlands is dif⁸ficult, if not impossible. From the start, the game offered so many facets, it quickly attracted all sorts of people. I am here for the tokenomics and world building, an area Splinterlands has been leading long before others entered the field. It still dominates tokenomics, now more than ever. The potential for world building has always been there but is only now starting to show on the surface. Combined, that would probably be called web 3.0 and Metaverse, terms that were less common four years ago when it all begun. Both are standing on solid ground and constantly grow towards the sky. This will automatically attract people, who come for different reasons but stay because they will find something that does not exist in other crypto games yet.
