Battle Mage Challenge: FabFour. Strategy, My Battle and Alternative Lineups


This weeks Battle Mage Challenge is about the Fab Four rule.

Splinterlands tells us the following about the FabFour rule:

Up to four Units can be used.

This is one of the two rulesets that limit the number of monsters we can bring to the battle. If this is a high mana match, it means that the highest mana cost units in the game are good to bring, like Rage and Chaos Dragon. It also limits the amount of support units etc you will be able to bring to the battle, since you will usually need to bring some damage aswell to win.


Incompatible Rules

FabFour is incompatible with FiveAlive.


Desirable Monsters

FabFour favors high mana creatures. The biggest cards in the game are:


My Battle : FabFour battle

Battle configuration
LeagueWild Diamond league.
RulesReverse Speed, Up Close & Personal, FabFour
SplintersWater, Life

My Lineup

Opponent's Lineup


Battle progress and Result

Since this is a Reverse Speed battle, I have the speed advantage, and the battle starts by my Dumacke Orc missing hit melee strike due to Blind. Next, my Drybone Raider hits with his Double Strike ranged attacks, bringing the Disintegrator down to three health and no armor. Then its the Disintegrator's turn to attack. He hits Dumacke Orc and triggers a double Retaliate chain, and dies from the returned strike. My Harpy hits Pelacor Bandit, Deeplurker hisses Dumacke Orc, while Flying Squid hits, but takes Thorns damage back as well as a Retaliate strike. Finally, Pelacor Bandit misses Drybone Raider.


In round 2, my Dumacke Orc misses again, and takes Backfire damage. Then my Harpy and Drybone Raider finish off the Flying Squid. Deeplurker strikes Dumacke Orc, and takes Thorns and Retaliate back. This time Pelacor Bandit hits, but my Drybone Raider has armor to absorb the hit.


In Round 3, the Dumacke Orc finally lands hit strike, and then Drybone Raider is ready to finish off the Deepluker with his ranged strike. He also hits Pelacor Bandit, leaving the Harpy to deal the final blow of the match. I was pretty happy with picking General Sloan here to boost the Drybone Raider's ranged attack damage. That resulted in a complete destruction of the Kelya team in this match.


Alternative lineups

Possibilus the Wise

Chanseus the Great

Alric Stormbringer

Lorna Shine


I hope you found this post interesting. If you did, you might also enjoy my other content.

Battle mage challenges

Battle Mage Challenge: Even Stevens
Battle Mage Challenge: Equal Opportunity
Battle Mage Challenge: Equalizer
Battle Mage Challenge: Counterspell
Battle Mage Challenge: Close Range
Battle Mage Challenge: Broken Arrows

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