Splinterlands Art Contest Week 194! Todays art Card is Ice Pixie


My dear readers,

This time I bring you something completely different from what has been presented so far, we will move away from the anime style and try to create a more realistic version of one of my favorite characters of splinterlands Ice Pixie, I will apply techniques for traditional drawing and combine them with digital tools, without more to add let's start .... OH before the face was completely inspired by the letter, I tried to imagine how it would look like if she was more.


I was thinking of showing more in detail the first steps, but I still don't have a support for the mobile to be able to record better, even so here is a small sample, for the realistic sketch I use a method very similar to the Infinity design.

Step - 01


I draw nose, mouth, ear, eyes and lips, they are not the definitive ones but they give me a good idea of how the complete design will look like. There are many ways to draw lips, personally this is one of the ones I use most often. I complite face art in the stage.

Step - 02


Than I draw of her hair and face. Next I draw his some body part.

Step - 03


Than drawing of his body and complete body art.. Next I drawing of her two hand. Complete his fingers art.

Step - 04


Than complete drawing hands with finger. Draw some hair. Draw some cloths of his body.

Step - 05


Next I draw of this art photo footer part with some fire. Here fire is burning.

Step - 06


After completing line art start coloring his art. First I color her face with red color.

Step - 07


Then color of her eye with light red and lips pink. Than color his cloth green. I color of his body with red and yellow color.

Step - 08


Next, I color of his heir another color with blue yellow green and red gray.

Step - 09


Applying stronger and stronger shadows, the face is taking shape, I must momentarily hide the lines of the sketch to check how it is shaping up.

Final step

Ice picxe.png

To finish, I corrected several shadows on the skin and clothes, added much more detail in the hair and a black background gives good contrast with the drawing. Than I change of this art background and draw some art that stars, leaves and fire. And some shadow of her hands.

Art contest link here
If you do play splinterlands yet you can join here
