Share My Battle - River Nymph [EN - ES]



Hello friends, I'm improving a little, I'm between bronze II and III, I do not know if it is due to the time or the players, or that repeat much the same strategy different people, but I had never played with the river nymph card so it's a good time to use it.

Hola amigos, estoy mejorando un poco, estoy entre bronce II y III, no se si se debe a la hora o a los jugadores, o que repiten mucho la misma estrategia diferentes personas, pero nunca habia jugado con la tarjeta river nymph asi que es un buen momento para utilizarla.

I love the description in the river nymph lore.

"The young mage whirled. Behind him, a slender woman with flawless blue-green skin, pointed ears, and luxurious dark-blue hair stood in the river. The water flowed around her slim waist, and her fingertips traced circles in the current. Her features were elegant and graceful. A magical fae, born of the river, he though in awe. She was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen".

Me encanta la descripción en el lore de river nymph.

"El joven mago se dio la vuelta. Detrás de él, una mujer esbelta con una piel impecable de color verde azulado, orejas puntiagudas y lujoso cabello azul oscuro estaba de pie en el río. El agua fluía alrededor de su delgada cintura y sus dedos trazaban círculos en la corriente. Sus rasgos eran elegantes y graciosos. Un hada mágica, nacida del río, pensó con asombro. Era la criatura más hermosa que jamás había visto."

Now to the battle


In the first position serpent of eld his dodge ability allows me to have more chance to evade melee or ranged attacks because of his speed and ability, sometimes I use him as a tank although his weakness is magic,

In the second and third position torrent fiend and furious chicken are the bait to have more chance to hit with my vanguard, with 0 mana cost, by the way these are rented cards for the occasion it makes me a little easier to beat in bronze league.

In the fourth position and speaking of vanguard deeplurker his opportunity ability is important because it can attack the enemy with lower health eliminating potential enemies with low health is one of my favorite cards.

In the fifth position this river nymph with its cleanse ability eliminates all the negative effects of the ally in the first position we can say that this card is support type, also uses magic so it is a sure hit, its life is not low so it will hold at least a few rounds, in the bronze league is not very common that the first position has negative effects maybe in a higher league this card will be much more useful.

And finally in the sixth position merdaali guardian with his tank heal ability can heal the first position too bad he can not attack while, that's why I put it last.

Ahora a la batalla


En la primera posicion serpent of eld su habilidad dodge permite tener mas chance de evadir los ataque melee or ranged por su velocidad mas habilidad a veces lo uso como tanque aunque su debilidad es la magia,

En la segunda y tercera posicion torrent fiend y furious chicken son la carnada para tener mas oportunidad de golpear con mi vanguardia, con gasto 0 de mana, por cierto estan son tarjetas alquiladas por la ocasion se me hace un poco mas facil vencer en liga de bronce.

En la posicion cuarta y hablando de vanguardia deeplurker su habilidad opportunity es importante debido a que puede atacar al enemigo con menor salud eliminando potenciales enemigos con baja salud es una de mis cartas favoritas.

En la posicion quinta Esta river nymph con su habilidad cleanse elimina todos los efectos negativos el aliado en la primera posicion podemos decir que esta carta es de tipo apoyo, ademas usa magia asi que es un golpe seguro, su vida no estan baja asi que aguantara minimo algunas rondas, en la liga bronce no es muy comun que la primera posicion tenga efectos negativos tal vez en una liga mas elevada esta carta se mucho mas util.

Y por ultimo en la sexta posicion merdaali guardian con su habilidad tank heal puede curar a la primera posición lastima que no pueda atacar mientras, es por eso que la coloco de ultima.


Here is the link to see the complete battle:

Aqui el enlace para ver la batalla completa:

My strategy

This time my strategy did not work because the enemy monsters use the sneak ability with which they attack the last allied monster and with this the baits do not perform their objective.

Mi estrategia

En esta ocasion mi estrategia no funciono debido a que los monstruos del enemigo, usan la habilidad sneak con la cual atacan al ultimo monstruo aliado y con esto las carnadas no realizan su objetivo.


I am motivated to see the stats of the cards at least this at level 4 has an interesting ability amplify I have not used yet as it reflects the attack and does damage to all enemies with 1 attack I would like to see it in action to reach level 10 all allies increase their speed with the ability swiftness even though it rises in level this card is still support with their ability to help their allies.


Me motiva ver las estadisticas de las tarjetas por lo menos esta en el nivel 4 tiene una habilidad interesante amplify aun no la he usado segun refleja el ataque y hace daño a todos los enemigos con 1 de ataque me gustaria ver la en accion al llegar al nivel 10 todos los aliados incrementan su velocidad con la habilidad swiftness a pesar de que sube de nivel esta carta sigue siendo de apoyo con sus habilidad para ayudar a sus aliados.



Currently it is worth 0.15$ so I saw the opportunity and bought this very cheap card, there are more than 98000 cards in circulation is an outrage, it is supposed to be easy to take to the maximum level.


Actualmente vale 0,15$ asi que vi la oportunidad y compre esta tarjeta tan economica, hay mas de 98000 tarjetas en circulacion es una barbaridad, se supone que deberia ser facil llevar al nivel maximo.


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