
qid yuff.png

In the Burning Lands, there was a troll named Qid Yuff, who was known far and wide for his incredible skills in summoning. Qid was a towering figure with an imposing frame, thick green skin, and bulging muscles that seemed to ripple and bulge with every movement he made. He was a creature of few words, and he never bothered to learn the common tongue. Instead, he spoke in a guttural language that sounded like rocks scraping together.

Despite his lack of communication skills, Qid was highly respected among the trolls and feared by his enemies. He lived in a cave high up on Mount Mox, where he spent most of his time practicing ancient troll methods of summoning. These methods were unknown even to the Magi of the Forest, who had invented modern essence summoning. Qid's methods involved scattered runes, bones, scrolls, blades, and blood. He would create a whirlwind of these elements around him, and in a matter of seconds, a monster would appear on the field.

Qid's summoned monsters were unlike any other creatures in the Burning Lands. They had a crazed look in their eyes, and a relentless fervor that made them incredibly dangerous. Even the weakest of them could strike like the blow of a piercing lance. Qid would watch the mayhem with a grin on his face, as his monsters destroyed everything in their path.

One day, a young troll named Korg stumbled upon Qid's cave while he was out foraging for food. Korg was a scrawny troll with a wiry frame and a timid demeanor. He had heard stories about Qid's incredible summoning abilities, and he was curious to see them for himself.

As Korg approached the cave, he could hear the sounds of bones scraping against stone and the faint chanting of Qid's summoning incantations. When he peered inside, he saw Qid standing in the center of a whirlwind of runes, bones, scrolls, and blades. A monster appeared on the field, and Korg watched in awe as it tore apart everything in its path.

Qid noticed Korg standing there and turned to face him. He spoke in his guttural language, and Korg could barely understand him. Qid gestured for Korg to come closer, and Korg hesitantly stepped forward.

Qid grabbed Korg by the arm and dragged him into the summoning circle. Korg felt a surge of energy course through his body as Qid began to chant. The ground shook beneath their feet, and the air around them crackled with magic.

Suddenly, a massive beast appeared on the field. It was unlike anything Korg had ever seen before. It had the body of a bear, the wings of an eagle, and the head of a dragon. Its eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and its roar shook the very foundations of the cave.

Korg watched in horror as the beast turned on Qid and attacked him with its razor-sharp claws. Qid fought back with all his might, summoning wave after wave of monsters to his aid. But the beast was too powerful, and it seemed as though Qid was doomed.

Just when all seemed lost, Korg remembered a story his grandmother had told him about a powerful spell that could banish any creature back to the realm from which it came. He closed his eyes and focused all his energy on the spell, whispering the incantation under his breath.

As he finished the spell, Korg felt a surge of power coursing through his body. The beast let out a deafening roar and began to shrink in size. It grew smaller and smaller until it was no larger than a house cat, and then it vanished into thin air. Korg breathed a sigh of relief, feeling drained but triumphant. He had succeeded in taming the wild creature, proving once again that he was a true master of the ancient troll methods.

Qid looked at Korg with a grin, his eyes gleaming with pride. "Well done, my apprentice," he said. "You have shown that you have what it takes to become one of the greatest summoners in all the Burning Lands."

Korg smiled back, feeling a sense of accomplishment that he had never felt before. He knew that he had much more to learn, but he also knew that he had the talent and determination to become one of the most powerful spellcasters in the realm.

And so, Korg continued to study and practice, honing his skills and perfecting his craft. He knew that the road ahead would be long and challenging, but he was ready for whatever lay ahead. For he was Korg, apprentice to the great summoner Qid Yuff, and he was destined for greatness in the Burning Lands.

