Opening 2 Chaos Legions Pack and My Plans Going Forward

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Phase 2 of Chaos Legion Pre-Sale is finally here!

I was able to snag 6 Packs before Phase 1 ended and so far I have purchased 7 packs in total using the new voucher system. Ideally, I would like to purchase 50 Chaos Legion packs before the general sale begins so that I can guarantee to receive the next 13 airdrop cards.

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however, with the current rate of vouchers being airdropped to me, it is not possible to get 50. At best I will be able to snag about 17 total, 33 short of my goal.

So from here, I am debating whether to purchase more SPS and stake them so I can get more vouchers dropped to me or buy 33 vouchers on Hive Engine.

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Vouchers are currently going for $7.27 a pop so that would cost me around $240 in Vouchers + $132 (for 33 packs for $4) which would cost me about $372 to accomplish my goal. With the holiday season coming up my budget is pretty tight so my plan is to accomplish this without putting in any more of my personal income. I guess I will have to put in extra work on HIVE this month 😎

Another option is to somehow leverage the xchaos pack. Essentially the idea is to sell all the packs you bought from Splinterlands and sell them on Hive Engine and buy xChaos packs instead.

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Considering how cheap the XCHAOS packs are going on the market right now (about $5.44) this could be an interesting arbitrage opportunity.

Now, time to unpack those chaos legion packs.

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First Pack

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Second Pack

I wasn't able to get any Gold foils or legendary cards but the fact that I got a summoner on my first pack and 5 rare cards in total makes this overall profitable for me.

So now I am sitting on 5 unopened packs and I am considering selling the rest on Hive Engine in exchange for XCHAOS pack instead.

So that's about it for me today, what is your Chaos Legion strategy? how many packs have you purchased in total? Let me know in the comments down below.
