Splinterlands Battle | Deeplurker.


Splinterlands Battle | Deeplurker.

Welcome to my blog where I'll share my winning battle with Deeplurker.

Edited with PixelLab.

Deeplurker (COMMON Water Monster)

Terrifying to behold, Deeplurkers are poisonous fish that dwell at the bottom of the ocean and prey on the weak. However, they are known to travel to the surface in times of dire need. Many believe that they are sensitive to the balance of elemental water magic and when that balance is in danger, the Deeplurkers rise to attack or defend it... Lore.

A Brief Info About The Battle

The battle mana cap was 24 with the "Standard" ruleset where I've used the water splinter and my opponent used the fire splinter against me.



After selecting Kelya Frendul as the summoner that offers +1 shield and +1 speed to all the monsters, then I had Serpent of Eld with 3 melee attacks & the "Dodge (Has an increased chance of evading melee or ranged attacks)" ability at the 1st position, Flying Squid with 2 melee attacks & the "Reach (Melee attack monsters with this ability can attack from the second position)" ability at the 2nd position, Deeplurker with 3 melee attacks & the "Opportunity (Monsters with the opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy monster with the lowest health)" ability at the 3rd position & Furious Chicken at the last position.

And after using Tarsa as a summoner that offers +1 melee attack and +1 health, my opponent had his/her monsters as Living Lava with 3 melee attacks & the "Shield (Reduced damage from melee and ranged attacks)" ability at the 1st position, Serpentine Spy with 2 melee attacks & the "Opportunity (Monsters with the opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy monster with the lowest health)" ability at the 2nd position, Scavo Firebolt with 2 ranged attacks at the 3rd position, Tenyii Striker with 2 melee attacks & the "Sneak (Targets the last monster of the enemy team instead of the first monster)" ability at the 4th position & Chaos Agent without any attack or ability at the last position.

Let me talk about monsters that I used in this battle.

No 01: Serpent of Eld (RARE Water Monster)

This huge and majestic blue serpent was once the ruler of the jungles of Azmaré. Ages ago, he was ousted from the Palace of Eld by a loosely organized band of jungle rebels. The amphibious Serpent retreated into the waters, declaring himself the enemy of all Azmaré souls. Lore.

I've used Serpent of Eld in level 1 with 3 melee attacks, 4 speed, 2 shields, 5 health with "Dodge (Has an increased chance of evading melee or ranged attacks)" ability and it needs 7 mana.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 02: Flying Squid (COMMON Water Monster)

Although Flying Squid are not truly capable of flight, their moniker comes from their ability to launch themselves from the water and glide above the surface for long distances before resubmerging. These aggressive predators shoot ink into the eyes of their prey to blind them before attacking with their lengthy tentacles...Lore

I've used Flying Squid in level 1 with 2 melee attacks, 3 speed & 8 health with "Reach (Melee attack monsters with this ability can attack from the second position)" ability, and it needs 7 mana to battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 03: Deeplurker (COMMON Water Monster)

Terrifying to behold, Deeplurkers are poisonous fish that dwell at the bottom of the ocean and prey on the weak. However, they are known to travel to the surface in times of dire need. Many believe that they are sensitive to the balance of elemental water magic and when that balance is in danger, the Deeplurkers rise to attack or defend it... Lore.

I've used Deeplurker in level 1 with 3 melee attacks, 2 speed & 6 health with "Opportunity (Monsters with the opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy monster with the lowest health)" ability, and it needs 6 mana to battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 04: Furious Chicken (Rare Neutral Monster)

This is the card that I use when there's a slot left but no mana left. I mean its service is great for free I suppose. Right now... I can't imagine playing a match without this card.
It's like the chicken that lays the golden egg. It provides great support with its counterattack. With 0 mana... it's just amazing.

My Furious Chicken is in level 1 with 1 speed, 1 health and It needs 0 mana to play.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

On the battlefield.

For a better experience, you may watch the battle direct from the splinterlands official website from the link below.

Link to the battle.

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For the special buff of my summoner, all my monsters got +1 shield and +1 speed each. My Serpent of Eld had total 3 shields after that while all my other monsters had 1 shield each and my monsters now had speed in accordance like 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. And for the special buff of the opponent's summoner, 3 opponent monsters got +1 melee attack each & all the opponent monsters got +1 health each. The opponent's Living Lava now has a big melee as 4 and the other 2 melee attackers also had 3 melee attacks each.

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Then... for being the most speed holder, my Serpent of Eld started the battle with the first attack and destroyed the whole shield of the opponent's Living Lava with the starting shot, then my Flying Squid attacked and killed 1 health of the opponent's Living Lava. Then my Deeplurker attacked the opponent's Serpentine Spy, which had the lowest health for having the "Opportunity" ability and the opponent monster had to leave the battlefield. Then the opponent started attacking and the starting shot from the opponent's Scavo Firebolt was a missed shot cause my Serpent of Eld evaded that attack for having the "Dodge (Has an increased chance of evading melee or ranged attacks)" ability. Then the opponent's Tenyii Striker threw its big melee attacks towards my Furious Chicken and destroyed only a shield which my chicken got from the buff of my summoner which kinda save the chickens life till another round. Then the opponent's Living Lava attacked with big 4 melee attack and destroyed the whole shields of my Serpent of Eld.

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There came a new round where my Serpent of Eld first attacked with 3 melee attacks and killed 2 health of the opponent's Living Lava where the opponent's Living Lava used its "Shield (Reduced damage from melee and ranged attacks)" ability to reduce damage. Then my Flying Squid attacked and killed 1 more health of the opponent's Living Lava. Then my Deeplurker attacked the opponent's Chaos Agent this time for having the "Opportunity" ability, which had the lowest health atm and the opponent monster had to leave the battlefield like the opponent's Serpentine Spy did. Then the opponent's Scavo Firebolt attacked and killed 2 health of my Serpent of Eld without being missed this time. Then the opponent's Tenyii Striker struck my chicken again and grilled it successfully this time. Then the opponent's Living Lava attacked and killed my Serpent of Eld for good and my Flying Squid then came forward to the first position. Then there came another new round where my Flying Squid first attacked and killed 1 health of the opponent's Living Lava out of 3. Then my Deeplurker attacked and killed the opponent's Living Lava for good and the opponent's Scavo Firebolt then came forward to the first position and became unable to attack for being a ranged attacker at the first position and it's the mistake of the opponent as the opponent's Tenyii Striker could be used at the place of the Scavo Firebolt so that both of em could attack from their position. The opponent's Tenyii Striker then attacked and destroyed the whole shield of my Deeplurker.

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There came another new round where my Flying Squid first attacked and killed 2 health of the opponent's Scavo Firebolt. Then my Deeplurker attacked with 3 melee attacks while the opponent monster had 3 health left as well and my Deeplurker killed the opponent's Scavo Firebolt for good and the opponent's only monster Tenyii Striker then came forward to the first position. After reaching the first position, the opponent's Tenyii Striker attacked and destroyed the whole shield of my Flying Squid. There came another round where my Flying Squid attacked and killed 2 health of the opponent's Tenyii Striker at first. Then my Deeplurker attacked and killed 3 more health of the opponent's only monster Tenyii Striker out of 5. Then the opponent's Tenyii Striker attacked and killed 3 health of my Flying Squid. There came the final round after all where my Flying Squid attacked the opponent monster with 2 melee attack and killed it for good and the opponent team had to leave the battlefield then.

The battle finished in round 3 while my team had 2 monsters alive. All my monsters did great on the battlefield.

Battle Results


By playing this battle, I won +19 League Rating only.

If you're interested in playing the splinterlands game then you should start it.
Here is the link to the official websites which is also my affiliate link.

Photos of the thumbnail and other splinterlands related photos and sentences are properties of splinterlands and the above GIFs were created through EZGif.

** The End **

"Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"

"Stay Home, Stay Safe & Let's Beat Corona".


Es una combinación altamente peligrosa, siempre que me enfrento a ese conjunto de cartas sufro mucho en las batallas. Casi siempre pierdo.
