Splinterlands Battle | Wave Brood.


Splinterlands Battle | Wave Brood.

Welcome to my blog where I'll share my winning battle with Wave Brood.

Edited with PixelLab.

Wave Brood (EPIC Water Monster)

A Wave Brood is a corrupted water elemental twisted by the Chaos Legion. Summoners distort the magic used to create the elemental, making it a chaotic and fearsome creature. Wave Broods are completely devoted to their summoner and are often used in naval warfare, sinking ships and guarding the Legion's fleets and forces... Lore.

A Brief Info About The Battle

The battle mana cap was 26 with the "Standard" ruleset where I've used the water splinter and my opponent used the fire splinter against me.



After selecting Kelya Frendul as the summoner that offers +1 speed and +1 shield, then I had Diemonshark with 2 melee attacks & the "Trample (When a monster with trample hits and kills its target, it will perform another attack on the next monster on the enemy team)" ability at the 1st position, Ice Pixie with a melee attack & the "Flying (Have an increased chance of evading melee or ranged attacks from monsters who do not have the flying ability) ability at the 2nd position, Wave Brood with a ranged attack & "Taunt (All enemy monsters target this monster if they're able to) & Close Range (Monsters with the close range ability can perform ranged attacks from the first position) abilities at the 3rd position, Kulu Swimghunter with 2 ranged attacks at the 4th position & Furious Chicken at the last position.

And after using Pyre as the summoner that offers +1 speed, my opponent had his/her monsters as Living Lava with 3 melee attacks & the "Shield (Reduced damage from melee and ranged attacks)" ability at the 1st position, Tenyii Striker with 2 melee attacks & the "Sneak (Targets the last monster of the enemy team instead of the first monster) ability at the 2nd position, Djinn Apprentice with 2 magic attacks at the 3rd position, Serpentine Spy with 2 melee attacks & the "Opportunity (Monsters with the opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy monster with the lowest health)" ability at the 4th position & Lava Spider with a ranged attack & the "Snipe (Targets enemy monsters with ranged, magic or no attack that are not in the first position) at the last position.

Let me talk about monsters that I used in this battle.

No 01: Diemonshark (RARE Water Monster)

Diemonsharks travel alone throughout the stars searching for prey and territory. They are fearsome beasts with lightning-fast reflexes. Diemonsharks are extremely territorial and attack any creature that encroaches on their land. The Chaos Legion trains them as transports for equipment. Since they can travel by air, ground, or sea, they are ideally suited for the task... Lore.

I used Diemonshark in level 1 with 2 melee attacks, 4 speed, 6 shields, 7 health with "Trample" ability and it needs 8 mana to play.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 02: Ice Pixie (Rare Water Monster)

This is the water monster that I don't use that often but I know it can be a fantastic asset, especially in a little league ruleset for being a low mana monster and it has nice powers at high levels.

I've used Ice Pixie in level 1 which has 1 magic attack, 3 speed & 1 health with the "Flying" ability.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 03: Wave Brood (EPIC Water Monster)

A Wave Brood is a corrupted water elemental twisted by the Chaos Legion. Summoners distort the magic used to create the elemental, making it a chaotic and fearsome creature. Wave Broods are completely devoted to their summoner and are often used in naval warfare, sinking ships and guarding the Legion's fleets and forces... Lore.

I've used Wave Brood in level 1 which has 1 ranged attack, 1 speed & 12 health with "Taunt (All enemy monsters target this monster if they're able to) & Close Range (Monsters with the close range ability can perform ranged attacks from the first position" abilities.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 04: Kulu Swimhunter (COMMON Water Monster)

Kulu Swimhunters are members of a race of squid-like creatures that hunt in packs. They use their multiple tentacles to wield all manner of projectiles, to include spears, coral, and even fish. They are very aggressive and are known to traverse oceans, lakes, and rivers, killing for sport and leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. They do not value gold or glory and will ally themselves with whoever promises the greatest opportunity to hunt and kill... Lore.

I've used Kulu Swimhunter in level 1 which has 2 ranged attacks, 2 speed & 4 health and it's a 4 mana monster.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 05: Furious Chicken (Rare Neutral Monster)

This is the card that I use when there's a slot left but no mana left. I mean its service is great for free I suppose. Right now... I can't imagine playing a match without this card.
It's like the chicken that lays the golden egg. It provides great support with its counterattack. With 0 mana... it's just amazing.

My Furious Chicken is in level 1 with 1 speed, 1 health and It needs 0 mana to play.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

On the battlefield.

For a better experience, you may watch the battle direct from the splinterlands official website from the link below.

Link to the battle.

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For the special buff of my summoner, all my monsters got +1 speed and +1 shield each. And for the special buff of the opponent's summoner, all the opponent monsters got +1 speed each.

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Then... for being the most speed holder, my Diemonshark started the battle with the first attack and destroyed 1 shield of the opponent's Living Lava with the starting shot, then my Ice Pixie attacked and killed 1 health of the opponent's Living Lava. Then the opponent's Serpentine Spy attacked and killed the shield of my Wave Brood. The opponent's Djinn Apprentice then attacked and killed 2 health of my Wave Brood. Then the opponent's Lava Spider attacked and killed 1 more health of my Wave Brood. Then my Kulu Swimhunter attacked and destroyed the remaining shield of the opponent's Living Lava. Then the opponent's Tenyii Striker attacked and killed 2 health of my Wave Brood. My Wave Brood then attacked the opponent's Living Lava and missed as the opponent's monster had the "Shield" ability. Then the opponent's Living Lava attacked my Diemonshark and missed (I don't know why).

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There came another round where my Diemonshark attacked and killed 1 health of the opponent's Living Lava. Then my Ice Pixie attacked and killed 1 health of the opponent's Living Lava. Then the opponent's Serpentine Spy attacked and killed 2 health of my Wave Brood. Then the opponent's Djinn Inferni attacked and killed 2 more health of my Wave Brood. Then the opponent's Lava Spider attacked and killed 1 more health of my Wave Brood out of 3. Then my Kulu Swumhunter attacked and killed 1 health of the opponent's Living Lava. Then the opponent's Tenyii Striker attacked and killed my Wave Brood for good. Then the opponent's Living Lava attacked my Diemonshark and missed again. There came another round where my Diemonshark and Ice Pixie one after another attacked and killed the opponent's Living Lava for good and the opponent's Tenyii Striker came forward to the first position. Then the opponent's Serpentine Spy attacked and destroyed the shield of my Ice Pixie. Then the opponent's Djinn Inferni attacked and killed 2 health of my Diemonshark. Then my Kulu Swimhunter attacked and killed 2 health of the opponent's Tenyii Striker. Then the opponent's Lava Spider attacked my Ice Pixie and missed cause my Ice Pixie had the "Flying" ability. Then the opponent's Tenyii Striker attacked and destroyed 2 shields of my Diemonshark.

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There came another round where my Diemonshark and Ice Pixie one after another attacked and killed a total of 3 health of the opponent's Tenyii Striker. Then the opponent's Serpentine Spy attacked and killed my Ice Pixie for good. Then the opponent's Djinn Inferni attacked and killed 2 health of my Diemonshark out of 5. Then my Kulu Swimhunter attacked and killed the opponent's Tenyii Striker for good and the opponent's Djinn Inferni then came forward to the first position. Then the opponent's Lava Spider attacked and destroyed the shield of my Kulu Swimhunter. There came another round where my Diemonshark first attacked and killed 2 health of the opponent's Djinn Inferni. Then the opponent's Serpentine Spy attacked and destroyed the shield of my Furious Chicken. Then the opponent's Djinn Inferni attacked and killed 2 health of my Diemonshark out of 3. Then my Kulu Swimhunter attacked and killed the opponent's Djinn Inferni for good and the opponent's Serpentine Spy then came forward to the first position. Then the opponent's Lava Spider attacked and killed 1 health of my Diemonshark. There came the final round where my Diemonshark first attacked and killed the opponent's Serpentine Spy for good and the opponent's last monster Lava Spider came forward to the first position and became unable to attack for being a ranged attacker at the first position. Then for having the "Trample" ability, my Diemonshark attacked and killed 2 health of the opponent's Lava Spider out of 4. Then my Kulu Swimhunter attacked and killed the opponent's Lava Spider for good and the opponent team had to leave the battlefield.

The battle finished in round 6 while my team had 3 monsters alive. All my monsters did great on the battlefield.

Battle Results


By playing this battle, I won +20 League Rating only.

If you're interested in playing the splinterlands game then you should start it.
Here is the link to the official websites which is also my affiliate link.

Photos of the thumbnail and other splinterlands related photos and sentences are properties of splinterlands and the above GIFs were created through EZGif.

** The End **

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