Gobson Sniper with crayons - Splinterlands Art Contest Week 277!

¡Gobson Sniper with crayons!

Hi, I found my old crayons and I was very nostalgic for the ones that I decided to use. Using them served as therapy to release all that stress and feel much better.

elf 5.jpg

Creative Process

I start by drawing with the black crayon.

elf ogre 1.jpg

He went to the hat

elf ogre 2.jpg

The very important face for its ogre expression

elf ogre 3.jpg

I finish his clothes, the arch back horizontally and I make a circle as a background

elf 4.jpg

Final result of the Illustration

I finished this drawing with crayons in the most gratifying way for me, this is the creative process of the "Gobson Sniper". I was creative by creating an animated character very similar to the Splinterlands card, where I try to adapt its details such as colors and the bow horizontally, I make a circle background and then fill

elf 6.jpg

elf 5.jpg

Tools Used: Crayons

Gobson Sniper.jpg

Reference: https://next.splinterlands.com/card-detail/565/regular/12/?tab=lore
