RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Split Ranked Battle Reward Pools By League

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Reading the reply I find one issue rather interesting:

"there are only so few modern champion players, they will get so much rewards"


right now, about 10-15 bot operators suck the game using 150.000 bots, taking 80-90% of the rewards straight out of the economy.

Do you prefer having those rewards go to those who invested 5-6digits and to build a competitive collection, or to those who just spin up bot farms to leech out the rewards?

I might be biased being a big collection holder here, but also please dont forget that right now I feel like a cash cow paying the bots with the money I brought (and do bring occassionally, though the bear hit me hard as well) into the game, and besides being a competitive player, ofcourse I cant ignore having zero ROI when playing my cards or maybe 5% when renting out the high end value cards.

I wouldnt mind those rewards going more distributed to regular players on silver/gold though, but when holding that discussions got a very clear response that there will never be any form of verification (my idea would be a bot-detect system and if an account is suspected to bot => verify to be a human, just as google does with you when suspecting you to be a bot). Having the bots fight for just a part of the rewards instead of sucking the whole economy + setting strong incentives to increase the competition (and to not sell but stick around and play the game!) on higher leagues is the next best.


well, who can afford such large bot armies? probably the top whales, which is why nothing will ever be done about it!


Hard to implement alas without punishing small players, so limiting the bot card printing rewards and having them sell cheap cards to real players is best we can do for now.
