Improvement suggestion for Splinterlands: Direct display of match rules for better overview and gameplay analysis

Dear Splinterlands Team,

as an enthusiastic player of Splinterlands, I would like to make a suggestion that I think could optimize the game experience even more. Currently, the rules of a match are only displayed after pressing the play button, which leads to players not knowing the exact conditions until the game is in progress. I suggest to display this rule information already in the overview before the match to allow a faster and better assessment of teams and tactics.


Advantages of a direct display of the match rules:

Quick overview: the immediate display of the rules in the overview allows the viewer to quickly see why the opponent has selected certain cards. This saves time and supports efficient analysis.

Enhanced analysis capabilities for streamers: Streamers on platforms such as can more accurately analyze the match and players' card choices before viewing the match already played. This allows them to provide more informed commentary and give their viewers a deeper understanding of the strategic aspects.

Accelerated learning curve for new players: New players would benefit from direct visibility of match rules. They would be able to better understand why certain cards are played and how the rules affect the game. This could help shorten the learning curve for beginners and increase their enjoyment of the game.

The direct display of the match rules in the overview would thus have numerous positive effects on the game experience and the community of Splinterlands.

Implementation by means of CSS adjustments:

The implementation of this suggestion could be comparatively straightforward from a technical point of view. A look at the source code of Splinterlands reveals that the rule information is currently hidden in the surrounding DIV element with the attribute "display: none;". To display the rule information directly in the match overview, this property could simply be changed to "display: block;" or another suitable display option. This adjustment would make the surrounding DIV containing the rule description visible, and the information would be presented to players without any additional effort.

The proposed CSS change does not require serious modifications to the existing design or other parts of the platform. It is essentially a targeted adjustment to the display behavior of a specific element. This means that the Splinterlands team could implement this improvement with comparatively little technical effort.



Wish you will get more more cards I just know about cards in sprinter lands game 😁


I totally want this QoL feature.


Completely agree with you. it's something that I've always felt was lacking and that doesn't allow you to analyze the battle properly. I usually repeat a battle up to three times to understand why I lost.
